D3D or OpenGL? I have a 1.4GHz T-bird and a GF3 and get 24-28 fps at
1024x768x32 with everything turned on, and a full field of AI. This
is with D3D on Win98SE. I use the Quincunx anti-aliasing.
My framerates in N4 were usually about 10 fps higher. I could get
about 20 fps better if I used OpenGL, but I paint a lot and liked
being able to ALT+TAB back and forth. Haven't tried OpenGL in NR2002
yet, but I may as 24 fps is getting rather marginal.
I dont think the GF3 is much faster than the GF2 ultra except in terms
of FSAA. You should be doing better, I think.
Don't know what to suggest, other than trying various drivers and
possibly switching to the other graphics library.
Good luck,
Gerald Moore