P4, 1.8 GHz, g3force 3, 512 ram...os is xp.. this is not the fastest
processor today or the fastest graphics card but should I be able to
get over 30 fps with graphics and sound settings maxed out?
I have read several of the threads here that talk about frame rate
issues. I updated my video drivers (f'n nightmare that ultimately
required regedit!)but if anything, that may have actually slowed me
down by a few frames. Sure.. if take down the number of cars drawn
ahead and to the rear, and cut the number of sounds in half, I can get
it close to 40 frames but my gut is telling me it should be running
faster. Am I correct or is this sim really so cutting edge as to
have been optimized for systems that did not even exist when it hit
the store shelves?
Anyone out there with a similar system, can you tell me how you have
the graphics set up to keep the frame rates above 30? Can anyone
with ANY system run this with everything maxed out and keep it over 30
frames? If yes, what are you running?
Thanks everyone. Oh..one last note - I am an old time combat flight
simmer. New to racing. I have often watched Nascar on TV but man oh
man... I never would have guessed it was this hard! Having a great
time with this sim and look forward to going on-line - once I figure
out how to take a lap with out killing someone.