Comments on this sytem for gaming

Jim Kop

Comments on this sytem for gaming

by Jim Kop » Mon, 08 Mar 1999 04:00:00

I am very strongly considering going out today to replace my IBM Aptiva

I am looking at a Compaq from the local Best Buy with the following-
380MHz K6-2
64 MB 100MHz SynchDRAM memory
8 Gig hard drive
32x max CD ROM
120 MB SuperDisk drive
56K V.90 modem
512K pipeline burst cache
ATI Rage Pro 2XAGP graphics
4MB 100MHz SyncGraaphics memory
Digital flat-panel port
14" .28 Monitor
Lexmark 5220 color printer

I currently run with most graphics off on my current system.  Is this a
reasonable system for *** needs.


Comments on this sytem for gaming

by Dhook4 » Mon, 08 Mar 1999 04:00:00

Toss in a Voodoo II and upgrade to a 17" monitor and you should be ok. You
didn't mention the asking price.

Doug.........Lifelong die hard Boston Bruins fan....Driving Sim racer....avid
Sam Adams drinker....3 Stooges fan....Proud American !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jim Kop

Comments on this sytem for gaming

by Jim Kop » Mon, 08 Mar 1999 04:00:00

The asking price is $1000.

I was told to either go up to a K6-2 400, or drop down to a or down to the 350
as they both use the 100mhz bus and can put that 100mhz memory to better

The price to go up is an extra $300, with an extra 2 gig in the hard drive, and a
40x cdrom.  I don't know if they (BestBuy) carry the 350.  Any feedback is
appreciated - so I can spend my money wisely.

> > am very strongly considering going out today to replace my IBM Aptiva
> >P75.

> >I am looking at a Compaq from the local Best Buy with the following-
> >380MHz K6-2
> >64 MB 100MHz SynchDRAM memory
> >8 Gig hard drive
> >32x max CD ROM
> >120 MB SuperDisk drive
> >56K V.90 modem
> >512K pipeline burst cache
> >ATI Rage Pro 2XAGP graphics
> >4MB 100MHz SyncGraaphics memory
> >Digital flat-panel port
> >14" .28 Monitor
> >Lexmark 5220 color printer

> >I currently run with most graphics off on my current system.  Is this a
> >reasonable system for *** needs.

> Toss in a Voodoo II and upgrade to a 17" monitor and you should be ok. You
> didn't mention the asking price.

> Doug.........Lifelong die hard Boston Bruins fan....Driving Sim racer....avid
> Sam Adams drinker....3 Stooges fan....Proud American !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daxe Rexfor

Comments on this sytem for gaming

by Daxe Rexfor » Mon, 08 Mar 1999 04:00:00

>I am very strongly considering going out today to replace my IBM Aptiva

>I am looking at a Compaq from the local Best Buy with the following-
>380MHz K6-2

Get an intel processor.  You don't need to screww with potential

You need at least 128 MEG

too small, if not now, then very soon.

What kind is it?  no-name drives are often prone to failure.

waste of money.  get a regular floppy.

find out what kind. a 33,6 USR/3com modem is a better buy than a sh*t-brand
56K.  Also find out if you can even get 56K where you live.

Pentium2 computers dont have off-chip cache memory. Sounds like a
proprietary motherboard design, which means roadblocks to future upgrades.

For *** you will need a better D3D card or a VooDoo 2

4 meg on the ATI card?  not enough.  Onboard video?  YUCK.

you can't afford one, doesn't much matter.

this is a joke.  17" is the minimum.

a printer isn't part of a computer.  Unless it is an incredible deal, don't
take bundled printers or scanners.

We don't know what your needs are, so that's pretty hard to say  :o)  I
probably run most of the games you will want to run and it sounds totally
inadequate to me.

The best place to buy a computer is generally NOT in a retail store unless
you like being screwed by commisioned salespeople and need to have your hand
held after the sale.  Try pricing a system online with the same specs or
better from any of the dozens of companies that do mail order, something


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Comments on this sytem for gaming

by Doug » Tue, 09 Mar 1999 04:00:00

1. The fastest Pentium 2 you can afford.
2. As much PC100 ram that you can afford.
3. A 3DFX Voodoo 2 for widest compatability.

These 3 items will effect *** performance more than anything else.
If that 14" digital flat panel display is LCD - forget it! They don't work
well for games. Get as large a standard monitor as possible.
Celerons are also a good choice since they're cheaper than Pentium 2's by a
whole bunch and almost as fast at the same clock rate.

For more info visit and checkout the vast CPU, mobo,
and graphics review areas.


>The asking price is $1000.

>I was told to either go up to a K6-2 400, or drop down to a or down to the
>as they both use the 100mhz bus and can put that 100mhz memory to better

>The price to go up is an extra $300, with an extra 2 gig in the hard drive,
and a
>40x cdrom.  I don't know if they (BestBuy) carry the 350.  Any feedback is
>appreciated - so I can spend my money wisely.

>> > am very strongly considering going out today to replace my IBM Aptiva
>> >P75.

>> >I am looking at a Compaq from the local Best Buy with the following-
>> >380MHz K6-2
>> >64 MB 100MHz SynchDRAM memory
>> >8 Gig hard drive
>> >32x max CD ROM
>> >120 MB SuperDisk drive
>> >56K V.90 modem
>> >512K pipeline burst cache
>> >ATI Rage Pro 2XAGP graphics
>> >4MB 100MHz SyncGraaphics memory
>> >Digital flat-panel port
>> >14" .28 Monitor
>> >Lexmark 5220 color printer

>> >I currently run with most graphics off on my current system.  Is this a
>> >reasonable system for *** needs.

>> Toss in a Voodoo II and upgrade to a 17" monitor and you should be ok.
>> didn't mention the asking price.

>> Doug.........Lifelong die hard Boston Bruins fan....Driving Sim
>> Sam Adams drinker....3 Stooges fan....Proud American !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julian Taylo

Comments on this sytem for gaming

by Julian Taylo » Tue, 09 Mar 1999 04:00:00

No doubt you'll get heaps of replies, but my 2 cents worth is to steer clear
of AMD or Cyrix for games.
If possible, get a Celeron 300A and an Abit BH6 BX motherboard. With like
you'll have a good chance to run it at 450mhz, perhaps by upping the voltage
to 2.1 or 2.2 if necessary. (Only possible with the BH6).
If you dont want to overclock, then an equivalent clock speed celeron to the
AMD ie 366 or 400 will beat the AMD at games. If you want to spend more -
then get a PII 350 - 450 depending on budget. Dont forget, with a BX board,
you can start with a cheap celeron and throw in a PIII in 12 months when
theyre affordable.
I'm not sure about the rage pro - but I suggest a voodoo2, banshee for
performance and compatibility with most games - or a TNT card.
I've always felt the name brands (Compaq, IBM etc are overpriced and
underpowered - get a clone and save some money)
Also - at least get a 15 inch monitor - nobody should still be selling
14inch monitors nowadays
Gary Kuche

Comments on this sytem for gaming

by Gary Kuche » Wed, 10 Mar 1999 04:00:00

I HIGHLY disagree with JULIAN..........checkout the PCGUIDE on the net and read
up for yourself.For the bang for the BUCK,you cant beat an AMD system right
now.It has run everything i have thrown at it so far and is very very stable in
terms of over-clocking.There isnt a better cpu on the market today right now and
that includes the new P-III pentiums(which are only in fact high speed Pentium
II's with KNI instruction set(just what the hell is that anyways?
MMX?..which turned out to be a fat joke)...the system you are looking at seems
to be just fine but I would dump that video card el pronto amigo.Also with an
AMD cpu that has 3dNOW you'll find the software that enables it will outperform
an Intel in a NY minute,and the library of 3dNOW software is growing all the
time.And by the way...why not just build your own system and get what you want
for it.Then you know you aint getting stuck later with a system specific
computer that you cant upgrade.

> No doubt you'll get heaps of replies, but my 2 cents worth is to steer clear
> of AMD or Cyrix for games.
> If possible, get a Celeron 300A and an Abit BH6 BX motherboard. With like
> you'll have a good chance to run it at 450mhz, perhaps by upping the voltage
> to 2.1 or 2.2 if necessary. (Only possible with the BH6).
> If you dont want to overclock, then an equivalent clock speed celeron to the
> AMD ie 366 or 400 will beat the AMD at games. If you want to spend more -
> then get a PII 350 - 450 depending on budget. Dont forget, with a BX board,
> you can start with a cheap celeron and throw in a PIII in 12 months when
> theyre affordable.
> I'm not sure about the rage pro - but I suggest a voodoo2, banshee for
> performance and compatibility with most games - or a TNT card.
> I've always felt the name brands (Compaq, IBM etc are overpriced and
> underpowered - get a clone and save some money)
> Also - at least get a 15 inch monitor - nobody should still be selling
> 14inch monitors nowadays

Remco Moe

Comments on this sytem for gaming

by Remco Moe » Wed, 10 Mar 1999 04:00:00

Hi Gary,

Heh, I see you don't mention the performance of the AMD K-2 FPU. Too
bad, now I've trouble to believe you. It looks like you made such a
selection of CPU feature's, so that AMD comes out best. Tsk tsk tsk.


>I HIGHLY disagree with JULIAN..........checkout the PCGUIDE on the net and read
>up for yourself.For the bang for the BUCK,you cant beat an AMD system right
>now.It has run everything i have thrown at it so far and is very very stable in
>terms of over-clocking.There isnt a better cpu on the market today right now and
>that includes the new P-III pentiums(which are only in fact high speed Pentium
>II's with KNI instruction set(just what the hell is that anyways?
>MMX?..which turned out to be a fat joke)...the system you are looking at seems
>to be just fine but I would dump that video card el pronto amigo.Also with an
>AMD cpu that has 3dNOW you'll find the software that enables it will outperform
>an Intel in a NY minute,and the library of 3dNOW software is growing all the
>time.And by the way...why not just build your own system and get what you want
>for it.Then you know you aint getting stuck later with a system specific
>computer that you cant upgrade.

>> No doubt you'll get heaps of replies, but my 2 cents worth is to steer clear
>> of AMD or Cyrix for games.
>> If possible, get a Celeron 300A and an Abit BH6 BX motherboard. With like
>> you'll have a good chance to run it at 450mhz, perhaps by upping the voltage
>> to 2.1 or 2.2 if necessary. (Only possible with the BH6).
>> If you dont want to overclock, then an equivalent clock speed celeron to the
>> AMD ie 366 or 400 will beat the AMD at games. If you want to spend more -
>> then get a PII 350 - 450 depending on budget. Dont forget, with a BX board,
>> you can start with a cheap celeron and throw in a PIII in 12 months when
>> theyre affordable.
>> I'm not sure about the rage pro - but I suggest a voodoo2, banshee for
>> performance and compatibility with most games - or a TNT card.
>> I've always felt the name brands (Compaq, IBM etc are overpriced and
>> underpowered - get a clone and save some money)
>> Also - at least get a 15 inch monitor - nobody should still be selling
>> 14inch monitors nowadays


Comments on this sytem for gaming

by Larr » Tue, 23 Mar 1999 04:00:00

If I may be so bold...

IMHO, Compaq computers are far too proprietary to suit me.

Also, I can almost guarantee you that modem is a Winmodem, which you
find performs horribly.

I personally prefer to build my own systems using the best of the
available industry standard componenets.  I fully understand this is not
an option for everyone.

I recommend either Dell or Gateway.  They are fairly standard in their
use of componenents, and you can upgrade them to your hearts content.

Watch the modems.  Even these folks will sneak a Winmodem in on you if
you aren't carefull.

Winmodems are software based modems.  The card is nothing but a DSP that
runs software to _emulate_ a modem.

The REALLY suck.  They use them because they are cheap.

They also won't work in DOS, if that's an issue.

If you can build your own, here is what I recommend:

1.  ASUS P2B Main Board.
2.  Diamond Viper 550.
3.  Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 7200 RPM Drive.
4.  SoundBlaster Live card.
5.  128MB of PC100 Ram.  Use Quality stuff only!
6.  Add a VooDoo 2 board if your needs warrant.
7.  USR Courier V.90 Modem.
8.  Pentium II or III processor.  I don't like Celerons.

NOTE - Yes, I know about the Overclocking of 300A's, etc... but that's
not my style :)

9.  A good, solid, LARGE well ventilated case with a 250 watt or larger
Power Supply and at least 2 fans.

This is a high-end system.  However, you would be suprised how
inexpensively it can be built.  The biggest stumbling block is Intels
greed and the overpriced Pentium II/III chips.


Building your own is not that hard, and I bet you have a friend that has
experience and can help you if you need it.

It also brings a certain level of satisfaction, and you will also have a
system that you can upgrade piecemeal in the future should the need
arise, instead of buying a whole new system.

If you get the Compaq, you can count on having to replace the entire
machine at some point due to it's difficulties with uprades.


> I am very strongly considering going out today to replace my IBM Aptiva
> P75.

> I am looking at a Compaq from the local Best Buy with the following-
> 380MHz K6-2
> 64 MB 100MHz SynchDRAM memory
> 8 Gig hard drive
> 32x max CD ROM
> 120 MB SuperDisk drive
> 56K V.90 modem
> 512K pipeline burst cache
> ATI Rage Pro 2XAGP graphics
> 4MB 100MHz SyncGraaphics memory
> Digital flat-panel port
> 14" .28 Monitor
> Lexmark 5220 color printer

> I currently run with most graphics off on my current system.  Is this a
> reasonable system for *** needs. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.