> Hi, I am using an analog Gravis joystick and want to know
> if anyone got the same problem as me. I want to race with
> no steering help to have my own lines (with steering help
> i feel like i'm beeing held and cannot achieve great times)
> So, I turn off steering and opposite lock help and try to change
> the smoothness range, also the wheel lock but everytime i come
> into a corner and I slightly push the joystick left or right, the car
> moves like I pushed it way left or right...it is too sensible...
> anyone know anyway to correct this problem? besides buying a wheel? ;)
> (I will make my own anyway in a few weeks...)
> thanks a lot
Well, i hav made my own wheel but u can play with joy :
Just set a low degre to the degre lock ( i don't speak
good english but i think u know what i mean ) and let
the traction help setting.
nb : indycar2 is more fun with joy.
mail me if u want me to explain how i hav made my wheel and
gaz-brake pedals.
* Magic_Fr - stixier - Sebastien Tixier *
* Etudiant en Maitrise Informatique *
* Universite Claude Bernard Lyon1 *
* Stagiaire au LIP a l'ENS sur DOSMOS *
* url : http://www.ens-lyon.fr/~stixier *
* ou : http://www710.univ-lyon1.fr/~milu61 *