missing "Speed sensation"?? ME TOO!!! Until....
try this: I have a AMD 2100XP, 512RAM, GF4ti4600,.... still sleeping
behind wheel.... UNTIL I set GP4 to 1024x, ON: TV -***pit -
mirrors, ALL advanced graphics options to highest (except shadows to
'low' -no loss).... sounds tough right? then I set frame rate to
22.. that was the kicker!
Your eye/brain only needs 20-22 fps to percieve fluid motion, let the
game play at 22, even if your machine can peak at 29-30 like mine does
(P.S. $400 GF4-4600 later just to play GP4). ----- AAARRGHHH
I also tried it on my GF2-64MB, AMD 1900XP, 256RAM.... all I had to
do was lower a few graphic options (AND KEEP THE GAME'S FRAME RATE AT
22 -or less, 19 min.) and everything worked great! -Really!
TIP #1 #1 #1 If you can turn off AA, the frame rate
increases by 50-70% depending on your card. Yes, looks better w/AA,
but do you want to play or not??
> Maybe I need a new computer, but what gets me most about GP4 is the lack of
> "speed sensation". The only time it seems I am going more than about 30 mph
> (even when the speedometer says 200) is when I run it without any***pit.
> I'm not talking about bad frame rate here, just how slow it feels I'm
> moving through space. This is especially noticeable after playing F1 2002.