really expect this game to have everything included, when it is the
stated intention to have a newer version out each succeeding year.? The
company would get no one to buy the sequels that way.
Because of the coding used, all our good editing friends (you are more
appreciated than you know), will allow us to do updates as we please.?
The internet play, sounds, different carshapes for different teams,
career management etc., will come with each new (really upgraded)
version.? And like the suckers we are - read, F-1 fanatics - we will buy
into it eventually.
The one aspect that will always make it enjoyable is using the editors
or works of those who use the editors of people like Steve Young, Paul
Hoad, Marc Aarts, etc., and the carset makers.
Race Fan Supreme
Stephen Staneland
Steve's Golf & Tennis
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