How about more detailed car setup area, like IndyCar Racing or Nascar?
You know, suspension settings, tyre pressures, more detailed wing settings?
Perhaps, you could have this detailed fine-tuning when you select 'semi-pro'
or 'pro' from the game options menu, and have a cut down version for 'novice'
How about being able to select the different types of technical rules from
a past season, like '1992' season, with active suspension etc, and wide wheels,
or maybe '1994' with out the gizmos... Or maybe you could play about in the
'FIA' area of the game, where you can specify the technical rules for a season.
This is very unlikely to happen, but it is a wish list after all!
Add this to a track editor, a full library of pre-defined tracks that are
released every 2 months, a car designer (!), full texture mapped graphics,
(hopefully this will appear on the new version), a full season editor,
virtual reality helmet support, with virtual pre/post race interviews with
a virtual Murray Walker, getting virtual coverage of virtual sponsors, giving
you virtual money....
Oh yeah, better crashes!!! Bits flying off everywhere and stuff, explosions?
wheels flying off? Why not.
Better sounds, 25 frames per-second... 32 bit code only,
Lovely jubbly.
'sokay i'm done now...
Virtual ladies holding up the car numbers on the grid....
Okay, okay, i'm off now.