>> And how many tapes do all have with movies or tv shows
>> recorded????? Oh not the same thing you say??? BS! It is
>> just as copywritten as half the ***for the PC...and yes I do
>> mean crap...look at GPL....that totally sucks moose!!!!
>> So unless no one here records televison progs or movies...
>> I'd slowly back of and disappear from this conversation...and
>> anyone says they don't record movies...I'd have to say 89 %
>> if not more were lying.....something to think about:))
>> Regards........Mr.West
>Dont forget tapes and cd's... and .mp3's too... I'd bet that a lot of
>that lash out at the warez people (even the ones that just use it as a demo
>for a game with no demo), have a nice little collection of .mp3s
Oh yes, everyone else is a thief so it justifies your stealing. Nope, no
MP3's here. Just because you have a ton next to your warez doesn't mean the
rest of us do. For TV shows and movies broadcast into my home, it is 100%
legal for me to tape them and watch them as much as I want. I cannot make
tapes from a Top Gun DVD and sell or distribute them, but I can make 100 of
'em for my own personal use, same with CD's - I can tape 'em as much as I
want for my own personal use, but I can't sell or distribute them.
I can, strangely enough, legally make backup copies of all the software I
own. I could burn CD copies of GPL or whatever, but I CANNOT distribute
them, for free, or for profit. Can't use copies on different machines at
the same time. This is where your analogy turns to complete and utter
bullshit. Warez are copies that ARE distributed without authorization, so
they ARE ILLLEGAL. Copyright laws allow FAIR USE, which includes making
copies of TV programs or backups of programs, but NOT WAREZ or selling
bootleg copies of Scream 2 made from hooking 2 VCR's together.
Nice and convenient to think that everyone else is stealing, so it makes it
fine and dandy for you - thing is, you made up your own little version of
the truth to justify your illegal actions. And you generalized about
everyone else, when you don't know jack about me or the other "89%" that you
think is lying. When you come in and say you got the program through Warez,
you admitted to stealing it, I don't have to wonder about what you may or
may not have done.
Do I really care whether you do it? No. That's between you and the FBI.
Just don't preach to me that it's justified, or come into a regular
newsgroup and tell me about it without expecting flames. There are enough
alt.2600 and alt.warez groups to discuss it on aren't there?