Ok Dave here is what you do, 1st thing close all programs that are running
on youre computer(cntrl,alt,delete and END TASK of everything in the box
EXCEPT Explorer and SYSTRAY)
2nd thing is to connect to youre ISP.
3rd thing is to start N3
4th thing is to go to MULTIPLAYER
5th thing is to check all the boxes for connection(IPX,TCPIP,INTERNET)
6th thing is to check whether you want to JOIN or HOST
7th you need to type in youre name or nickname on the right where it says
players name(allready has T_Player there) just left click to the right of
T_Player and backspace that out and type youres in then choose a car below
it that you want to drive from below where you typed in youre name
8th then hit CONNECT
9th When you get to the race screen if you will notice up at the top there
will be a box thats says "NONE" choose the drop down arrow and a list of
names will show-- Example -ALPHA,CHARLIE,FOXTROT thats just a few, anyway
choose any those but most will be on ALPHA.
Just wait about a miniute or less then all the races in that arena will show
up then find one that you are interested in racing left click on it (it will
highlight it) then choose ping at the bottom left.wait for it to show a
number in the far right of the race(it will replace the ? mark with a ping
value) Ideal pings for good races are from 0-140 ........150 to 200 are
going to have some warp and races that are 200 and higher ...well ill
suggest not to race but you can still jump in to practice if you want.
After you have done signed on once you wont have to do steps 5 thru 7
because they will stay even after you have signed off ,once you get used to
it , you wont have a problem with getting to the race screen anymore , Hope
this answers youre question .
Sorry this post was so long but i figure maybe some others are having the
same problems and they could get pointed to this responce for further help.
Dennis (Ten-ID Ovalman formerly known as Dirtracker)
Member of TeamECR
> On Tue, 21 Sep 1999 22:15:10 -0400, "Dave St.Onge"
> >Well, in my own typical fashion, I can't figure something out when it
> >to this darn computer of mine. Basically, this time, I can't get online
> >with N3, and I don't know why. The CD is in the game, I've clicked on
> >multiplayer, and have "internet" checked off, the "join" option is
> >and then I've clicked on "connect". I hear the modem connecting, but
> >this is where the problem arises. the list of races appears, but it is
> >blank. Looking in the bottom corner, the "connect" option is shaded, so
> >know I'm still connected, but nothing happens. When I switch to
> >"addresses", there is also nothing available on this screen.....I am at a
> >loss once again....
> >Dave
> keep all options checked. (tcp/ip, internet, ipx) with join checked
> then connect. Internet HAS to be checked for won.net
> when u get to an arena (alpha) you may have to use the pull down menu
> and choose alpha for the races to appear, but not always