times before I got a list of races. Addresses is there if you want to
connect directly to someone and you know their IP.
>Well, in my own typical fashion, I can't figure something out when it comes
>to this darn computer of mine. Basically, this time, I can't get online
>with N3, and I don't know why. The CD is in the game, I've clicked on
>multiplayer, and have "internet" checked off, the "join" option is
>and then I've clicked on "connect". I hear the modem connecting, but then
>this is where the problem arises. the list of races appears, but it is
>blank. Looking in the bottom corner, the "connect" option is shaded, so I
>know I'm still connected, but nothing happens. When I switch to
>"addresses", there is also nothing available on this screen.....I am at a
>loss once again....