have some specific questions about Rally Trophy ( which is what I
think i wanna get). I just downloaded the demo and it looks
great/runs great. Just a couple quick questions
(1) I know its not necessarily in the spirit of rally, but what is the
online/head to head play like. Is there a good, active community of
racers out there. I'm a big N4 fan, and I like the fact that there
are leagues and online racing going on an almost daily basis. Is the
same true for RT?
(2) Is RT the rally sim with the better physics model? As near as I
can tell, Colin McRae is more of an arcade type racer, while Rally
Championship is a better sim for the length of races. But I'm more
interested in car mechanics and driving physics
(3) I can't tell from the demo, but are cars customizeable as far as
setups go, like N4/N2002.
(4) Are there any particularly good websites with more info about RT.
A google search turned up
which looks pretty extensive. Are there any others.
thx in advance,
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