Please don't drop bungies because springs are "more accepted" by the masses.
Think of the old sales saying: "Don't sell people what they want, sell them
what they need." Go with bungies if they are a better overall solution
(performance, price, customizability, durability, and accessibility). I
(and probably most people) will gladly accept them if they perform as
BTW, the pedals look great. I'm certainly in the market to upgrade the
mediocre MOMO pedals.
Joe Marques
> Your exactly right. From our past experience in other uses and testing to
> date on the pedals the bungee seems as good as or better than a spring -
> complete failure issues, unlimited settings of tension, easy installation,
> easy adjustability, however the vast majority of the comments we have
> received to date has been centered on the use of bungee over springs.
> was some what of a surprise considering the past history of spring
> in units such as the Act-Labs performance pedals. We are trying to design
> something solid and simple but also that people will like, and if springs
> are better and more accepted then we will try them as well.
> I would be curious to hear of any past experience with bungee in a similar
> use where it has been an issue however, just trying to gather as much
> information as possible so that we come up with the best solution, and not
> one with known problems, or overlooking a solution that works but is just
> not considered "proper".
> > "Schooner"
> > . The bungee in
> > > the current system is easily adjusted for tension now but it seems
> > > people prefer the look of a spring over the bungee for some reason.
> > > "don hodgdon"
> > that's where the marketing folks come in. If you TELL everyone
> is
> > better...than 'most' of them will beleive you. The technocrats
> > will always go for a solution that 'seems' more hi-tech.
> > dave henrie