know I am not the first, but I just wanted to confirm that
NASCAR 1999 Edition is out. I went to EB at the Mall on the
way home from work to see if I could pick up Viper Racing.
Well, Viper was there, and, lo and behold so was NASCAR 1999
Edition. Holy Cow, I have never been so surprised in my
life. A double score. Man this is great. I can't believe how
wrong the date predictions of December 12th turned out to
Ok, I have not installed yet, but here are some details.
price $49.99
has a trade in coupon for some other games, not sure about
this yet.
On the CD: NR1999, NROS (NASCAR2 plus TEN and Enablers), GPL
demo, and Directx
please respond to "mracer" at that isp called "mindspring
dot com"