Offline ICR league run by Dave Kadlcak - Pro95, Pro96
GPL Cooper league also run by DK - two seasons, I think
That league turned into COBRHA(COoper, BRm, HondA) and ran for a few seasons
until Dave got married...<g>
Screamers GPL league - started as a server provider, got an invite into the
league, ran for 3 or 4 seasons until I went back to school. Was never able to
score a win like I did in my other leagues... :-(
IICC GPL - I've run with them for maybe 3 seasons, and the start of a TPTCC
Masters of GPL - again started as a serverdude, and got an invite from a team
RASCAR - not sure if that counts as a 'league' in this discussion...
I've been in other groups/clubs, but none that I can recall stretching over
Screamers League
IICC League
GPLRank -6.0 MoGPL rank +267.80
Ch.Rank +52.58 MoC +741.71
Hist. +82.34 MoH:na
N2k3 rank:in progress
Slayer Spektera lvl 72 assassin
Slayer Spectral_K lvl 38 Necro
US East