Hi netters !
In the last couple of days I've been asked about SDD 52 (or Univbe
5.1) and GP2 in terms "could SDD52/univbe improve GP2 frame rate ?".
I tried this combination some days ago and I didn't notice
any performance boost but I did not try the various GP2 command line
parameters related to the video card. Well, last night I give 'em
a try but I didn't notice any improvements so I can tell that (at
least for me) SDD 52 / Univbe 5.1 are pretty useless with GP2.
I'd really like to see a version of GP2 with support for SDD 52
linear frame buffer since I'm told that this feature could improve
performance by a factor of 20/30%.
Strhold Sistemi EDP
Reggio Emilia ITALY
Acca', nisciuno e' fess !
(TOM - the red cat, Silvester's friend)