I have a homebuilt
Pentium 200 MMX
Matrox Mystique driver v 4.10.1682 (Win98)
Diamond Monster 3D driver v 1.10
Soundblaster AWE64 value
Gravis GamePad Pro
I can get to the track selection screen fine, but when I press on the
green flag, what sounds like someone talking over a P.A. system starts
and then is cut short. Then a loud garbled noise comes from the
speakers, which sounds like a cassete tape being eaten by a player.
The whole time the screen is still on the track selection and the only
thing I can do is Control-Alt-Delete to close the program. This
leaves the computer running very slow, so I have to shutdown the
computer and reboot. I think I have common-enough hardware. What is
going wrong?
Roger Majoros