Good Rally Game?

Mark Robert

Good Rally Game?

by Mark Robert » Wed, 13 Nov 2002 08:07:27

I have to say that I've been fairly disappointed by the reviews of
Rallisport Challenge that I've been reading as I was hoping it might provide
me with a top-notch graphics/physics rally game.  It sounds like only the
graphics make the game good.  So what do people recommend instead?  I'm
vaguely familiar with CMR2, but I've had troubles finding it in the US & I
wonder if the graphics aren't showing their age by now?  Is CMR3 planned for
the PC?  I've only found stuff about a PS2 & XBox version.


What do people recommend for a good rally game - or is there something in
the pipeline that I should wait for?


Jeff Cana

Good Rally Game?

by Jeff Cana » Wed, 13 Nov 2002 08:28:26

This question gets asked *alot*.   Go back and Search this news group for
all the different answers.  Three always show up:  (1) Rally Trophy, (2)
CM, and (3) Mobil Rally Championship.


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Damien Smit

Good Rally Game?

by Damien Smit » Wed, 13 Nov 2002 08:46:11

Michelin Rally Masters is worth a look too.
Mark Robert

Good Rally Game?

by Mark Robert » Wed, 13 Nov 2002 09:05:30

Okay, sorry 'bout that.  I found lots of discussion of CMR3 and threads
about problems with rallisport, but missed an 'overall' thread.  I'll look


David Corles

Good Rally Game?

by David Corles » Wed, 13 Nov 2002 12:52:32

For anyone in interested in Australia (and maybe NZ) if you buy CMR2 at the
moment (which is only $20) you get Michelin Rally masters free. That's if
you buy the "gamenation" version.

Just spreading the good news

David Corless


Good Rally Game?

by e » Wed, 13 Nov 2002 14:06:52

> I have to say that I've been fairly disappointed by the reviews of
> Rallisport Challenge that I've been reading as I was hoping it might provide
> me with a top-notch graphics/physics rally game.  It sounds like only the
> graphics make the game good.  So what do people recommend instead?  I'm
> vaguely familiar with CMR2, but I've had troubles finding it in the US & I
> wonder if the graphics aren't showing their age by now?  Is CMR3 planned for
> the PC?  I've only found stuff about a PS2 & XBox version.

  Rally games are hard to get in the US.  You can try looking at
online stores, though.  I've only seen a few rally games in stores,
usually in the bargain bins.  They don't even have Colin McRae 3 for
the Playstation 2.  Must be like trying to get a Nascar game in

  Colin McRae 2 seems OK.  I have only tried the demo.  I'm not big on
the driving- it's not exactly arcade physics, but the roads are so
wide and the turns are setup as such than you are suppossed to use
alot of handbrake and slide alot.  It just seems really repetitive.
The graphics are fine until you hit a tree.

  I think CMR3 is coming to the PC, unless it's been cancelled.  I
think it was listed for fall 2002.

  Rally Masters (developed by DICE, also did Rallisport) is really
good, I like it the best.  The physics are good (maybe a little too
good- twitchy handling sometimes), and the roads are slighly narrower.
 It's not as simple as Colin McRae, you can either go all out as long
as you master powersliding, or use a more conservative use of gas and
brakes and still win.   The only thing that stinks is the short stages
that take only about 2-4 minutes to do in the "campaign" modes.  I get
most of my kicks by driving about 20+ laps in the quick races.

 Mobile Rally Champnioship- only tried the demo, hard to find in the
US.  I didn't like this one.  All the reviews said the graphics were
good, but they look more like a painting than photorealistic.  The
roads are all very, very narrow (1 car wide), and the courses are long
without too many big turns.  Suppossedly modelled on a real rally.
Maybe realistic, but also boring.  I read that there's a patch that
lets you adjust the physics, which weren't that great in the demo-
grass seemed to slow down the car too much.

  Rally Tropyh- tried the demo, liked it, ordered it- waiting for it.
The stages in the demo are a good length, not too short, not too long.
 The graphics are nice, physics are nice- but different driving than
Rally Masters.  Instead of executing precision turns and moderating
your speed, it's more like rocketting down a road, bouncing, trying to
keep from flying off and hitting the rocks and trees.

  Master Rallye- PS2/X-Box to PC port.  I picked this up for a few
dollars.  It's OK, but more like an off-road game- the cars/trucks
slide very little and have alot of grip, but this may not be totally
unrealistic.  Unfortunately, it looks like there won't be any mods for
it ever.  The physics seem good but a little off (no need to use the
brake at all on the early cars).  It also has annoying console style
locks on most of the cars, and the routes get alot harder quick.  The
AI drivers are also ***s and will ram you way too much- not very
sporting, and there's no "time attack" mode.  It doesn't have a
co-driver, just visual pace notes, which is annoying because a few
turns will pop up too soon and a co-driver really helps.  But for 5
bucks it's a good buy. No co driver.


Good Rally Game?

by ikste » Wed, 13 Nov 2002 17:08:43

Thats a great deal IMO.  But be prepared to spend more
time playing the free game :)

CMR2 is a fun arcade rally game with some excellent tracks
but Rally Masters kept me coming back longer - the physics
is hardly "super-realistic" but it's closer than any of the codemasters
releases so far and it has a much better tarmac model than cmr2.



Good Rally Game?

by Joe6 » Thu, 14 Nov 2002 03:13:06

On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 18:07:27 -0500, "Mark Roberts"

>I have to say that I've been fairly disappointed by the reviews of
>Rallisport Challenge that I've been reading as I was hoping it might provide
>me with a top-notch graphics/physics rally game.  It sounds like only the
>graphics make the game good.  

It also has what so many driving games lack - gameplay.

Unless you are only interested in driving physics realism, you can't
go wrong with Rallisport.

Mike Daviso

Good Rally Game?

by Mike Daviso » Thu, 14 Nov 2002 05:02:58

as this *is**simulation*, physics realism happens to be one of
our priorities...

> On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 18:07:27 -0500, "Mark Roberts"

> >I have to say that I've been fairly disappointed by the reviews of
> >Rallisport Challenge that I've been reading as I was hoping it might
> >me with a top-notch graphics/physics rally game.  It sounds like only the
> >graphics make the game good.

> It also has what so many driving games lack - gameplay.

> Unless you are only interested in driving physics realism, you can't
> go wrong with Rallisport.


Good Rally Game?

by JTBur » Thu, 14 Nov 2002 08:03:45

In-car view has nothing to do with physicist, but this "real" feature would
have been nice.

> On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 18:07:27 -0500, "Mark Roberts"

> >I have to say that I've been fairly disappointed by the reviews of
> >Rallisport Challenge that I've been reading as I was hoping it might
> >me with a top-notch graphics/physics rally game.  It sounds like only the
> >graphics make the game good.

> It also has what so many driving games lack - gameplay.

> Unless you are only interested in driving physics realism, you can't
> go wrong with Rallisport.

Gary Wample

Good Rally Game?

by Gary Wample » Thu, 14 Nov 2002 11:04:52

I for one really like the long (read "realistic") stages on Mobil 1 Rally
Championship, though sometimes the physics seems questionable.

Are there any other Rally sims with long stages?

>  Mobile Rally Champnioship- only tried the demo, hard to find in the
> US.  I didn't like this one.  All the reviews said the graphics were
> good, but they look more like a painting than photorealistic.  The
> roads are all very, very narrow (1 car wide), and the courses are long
> without too many big turns.  Suppossedly modelled on a real rally.
> Maybe realistic, but also boring.  I read that there's a patch that
> lets you adjust the physics, which weren't that great in the demo-
> grass seemed to slow down the car too much.


Good Rally Game?

by res0zlh » Thu, 14 Nov 2002 18:58:28

get Rally Masters , great off road physics
or Rally Trophy , but make sure you get the patch for it or it controls
poorly at times.
Mobil rally is pretty but boring and soso physics.

Roger Bol

Good Rally Game?

by Roger Bol » Fri, 15 Nov 2002 00:05:20

Where can I get the patch for Rally Trophy?

> get Rally Masters , great off road physics
> or Rally Trophy , but make sure you get the patch for it or it controls
> poorly at times.
> Mobil rally is pretty but boring and soso physics.

> > I have to say that I've been fairly disappointed by the reviews of
> > Rallisport Challenge that I've been reading as I was hoping it might
> provide
> > me with a top-notch graphics/physics rally game.  It sounds like only
> > graphics make the game good.  So what do people recommend instead?  I'm
> > vaguely familiar with CMR2, but I've had troubles finding it in the US &
> > wonder if the graphics aren't showing their age by now?  Is CMR3 planned
> for
> > the PC?  I've only found stuff about a PS2 & XBox version.

> > So...

> > What do people recommend for a good rally game - or is there something
> > the pipeline that I should wait for?

> > Thanks!
> > Mark


Good Rally Game?

by Joe6 » Fri, 15 Nov 2002 01:38:40

I use to go ballistic about that too. I've since decided that it's the
most over-rated feature in a driving game, whether it's sim or arcade.

The reality of human perception is that you don't really see the
inside of a car when you are driving. What you are focused on, the
information your brain processes, is the road in front of you.

A***pit-less "bumper cam" is actually the most authentic driving
view that can be portrayed on a 2D monitor.

I know many here will vehemently disagree with this, as I would have
in the past. But that doesn't change the fact that they are wrong. ;-)


Good Rally Game?

by Larr » Fri, 15 Nov 2002 02:32:58

Yes, but NOT Master Rallye if I remember right.

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