are threw driving it (sounds like you are used to seeing your car come
apart). I think you need to look towards the arcade games now. You dont
want to drive GPL cause ALL it has is good physics? It doesnt provide an
experience? You cant say ANYTHING about gpl EVER, you cant critisize it you
cant do anything to it cause you have never raced it as you said before.
>>Oh I knew this would cause a major riot amongst the Papyrus groupies
>>here... lol.
>Well forget that other goof. He is totally mental and says so in
>his sig.
>>btw this goes to Greg, I forgot one thing in my previous post... the
>>damage model when set to *realistic* provides a few good laughs too.
>>Don't take it too serious if you end up with everything intact after
>>5 meters airborn stunt with a double salto...or if you're touching
>>those hedges and hayballs at 200+ kph don't worry, worst thing that
>>could happen will be a not properly work wheel here and there
>>(although I still have to find out whether it's suspension or just the
>>tyre that gave up the ghost).
>>Of course it's a bit different with a frontal impact on a wall... you
>>can actually loose a wheel or two here! ;>
>Huh. I have had all sorts of things broken and ripped away from
>my car in F1RS. I actually cannot believe that F1RS would model
>damage better than GPL, but apparently from what you describe,
>it does. Quite surprising.
>I think I'll stick to that game and be glad I really don't like old
>era F1 racing. Believe it or not, I am looking for more than a
>driving model. Like an experience or something. If there is a GP3
>and it doesn't at least have what F1RS has as a starting point
>(weather, FF, kick ass 3D graphics, 3D sound and digital voice
>comms for starters) then forget it. It will be right there with Johnny
>Herbert Racing as far as I am concerned :-)
>Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
>cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com