For this topic I say K.I.S.S.Keep it simple stupid is what Papyrus
should do to their racing sims in regards to adding rain until we get
an outstanding FFB device to drive with.Driving a race car depends on
feeling the grip at the front wheels thru the steering.In the rain its
even more important.Now without FFB we have a hard enough time
learning the tracks without feel that adding rain would just be a
stupid aggravation IMO.As for F1RS,that has a terrible physics model
IMO and IMO anyone who cant see this doesnt know a thing about
"racing" a car.Finally IMO I feel that GPL's damage model is
superb.The other night I was cruising along at the Glen and my motor
blew.I read in the race report that my clutch blew!Thats the first
time I blew a clutch and I didnt even know it could be blown in
GPL.Slam into a wall head first and you wont damage your suspension
since you didnt hit the wall with it.You can puncture tires,break your
suspension,blow your motor etc...Shoot I even damaged my rear
suspension once that the car fell to the ground and in outside view I
could see it siiting lower then before.The thing about the damage
model that sucks is that you cant feel the chassis thru your pc
screen.A rear blown tire feels like a dmaged rear suspension and this
is where in future Papy sims theres room for improvement.For one I
would like to hear a blown tire thru the pop and the following blown
tire sound we all know.
>Well said, Thad. :-)
>> Just to set the record straight: I was not trolling when I posted the
>> original post. Though is was a interesting subject and also had a legit
>> question. I didn't know for sure if they raced in the rain.
>> Few comments:
>> A few poster, like I, don't mind the fact that there is no rain modeled. I
>> totally agree with Patrick who posted the following, "Also considering the
>> extreme realism of the GPL physics engine it would be tough to recreate the
>> effect and unpredictability of rain to the same tough standard." One poorly
>> modeled part of any game can break the whole thing. If you can't do it
>> correctly, then why do it. I have played too many games where they have
>> flashy graphics and menus, but the game play stinks. One last thing.
>> Something, that I picked up in my school days. Most children have the
>> desire and ability to draw/paint. Most children lose their ability and
>> desire because they can not meet their own standards of realism Those who
>> continue, realize that they will never beable to recreate a picture/image
>> absolutely perfectly. That said. If you try to rely upon your own ability
>> to create realism then you just going to be disappointed. If your looking
>> for total realism in a game, then your just going to be disappointed I
>> could go on, but I won't.
>> Still waiting for the perfect virtual reality racing sim. (with rain too!)
>> and I am glad that there are company's out there that are trying to strive
>> for perfection.
>> Just stating my opinion. Not trying to step on toes.
>Dave Schwabe
>The Aussie Toad -- Grand Prix Legends & Brabham site