I am playing it in 32-bit color at 1024x768. My desktop is set at
1280x1024 in 32-bit color at the max refresh rate for my monitor
It looks gorgeous and runs extremely smooth. But I have only tried it
twice - both on Daytona. 1st time, it crashed to the desktop. I
realized that I had my desktop set at 16-bit, and the game at 32 so I
chalked the crash up to that and changed my desktop to 32. Restarted
Daytona and got further - but this time it froze, with the sound of
the engine running. Had to reboot.
I thought my system was pretty stable. Are there some things I should
try to get it to just run without a problem? I have a friend coming
over tonight who can't wait to see N4 and I don't want him to see my
system crashing all the time with it <g>
System specs:
Athlon 700
256MB RAM (although the original is 128 PC-100, and then I added
another 128 of PC-133 from Crucial a few months ago)
Hercules GeForce Prophet 2 GTS Pro (64meg DDR) with Hercules 6.35
Direct X 8.0a
All CH Stick, throttle, pedals (not using those).
Shoot - I know I am forgetting some spec as usual :-)