something in hand for later...
> > get the 133 Mhz coppermine, the board will automatically detect the
> > proper fsb, and with some 133Mhz memory you'll be able to do some
> > overclocking!!!
> Sorry, but the ASUS P3B won't autodetect the 133Mhz FSB, you will have
> to set it manually in the BIOS options, furthermore, the 133Mhz FSB
> CPU's are not ideal for overclocking on a BX based board like the P3B,
> the 100Mhz FSB are a much better option for overclocking
> Having said that, I'm currently running a 600/133 on a P3B and have had
> it running at 675/150, but not stable enough to be usable.....
> Beers and cheers
> (uncle) Goy
> "Team Mirage"
> "The Pits"
> * Spam is for losers who can't get business any other way *
> "Spamkiller"