GPL sound question

Kurt Steinboc

GPL sound question

by Kurt Steinboc » Thu, 27 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Okay, I'm an avowed idiot, but this has been driving me crazy virtually
since GPL came out.

I have downloaded and installed without problems scenery upgrades, new
program covers, new dashes and***pits, setups and so forth.  But I'm not
able to figure out the manipulation of sounds -- and I have frequently
f*#%&d up the sounds and the main installation by messing around.

Okay, so I have installed and executed Nigel's carsound.exe, allowing
individual sounds for the seven marques.  My sound folder has a sound.dat
file, plus fer.wav, cos.wav, lot.wav and so forth.

Now, what if I want to swap out an individual car .wav file?  I have been
assuming that I could take the existing fer.wav, rename it, import a new
fer.wav, and have a new engine note.  Not so, and I just tried it again a
few moments ago.

What the hell am I missing?  Be gentle.  Remember, I'm an idiot.

Thanks for any help!


Bj?rn Nyhlé

GPL sound question

by Bj?rn Nyhlé » Thu, 27 Jan 2000 04:00:00

First: I personally don't use Nigel's carsound. But what I do is to simply
put the (properly named) .wav files in the sound dir and voil new engine
sound(just tried it with some goofy windows sound fx). Your problem seems to
be that i.e. the Ferrari wav file is named ferrari.wav not fer.wav.


Scott B. Huste

GPL sound question

by Scott B. Huste » Thu, 27 Jan 2000 04:00:00


That should work, except for the possibility that you have it named
What I did was installed the carsound.exe and have a .wav file for each car
as necessary for carsound.exe to work.

I have fer.wav and fer1.wav, fer2.wav, etc whichever one I want to use, I name

fer.wav.  Everytime I want to try a new sound, I save it as fer#.wav.  Then, I
the fer.wav Im using and rename it to something like fer1old.wav and rename
file I want to try to fer.wav

Not sure if that was helpful or not but what you explained is basically the
I use without any problems.


> Okay, I'm an avowed idiot, but this has been driving me crazy virtually
> since GPL came out.

> I have downloaded and installed without problems scenery upgrades, new
> program covers, new dashes and***pits, setups and so forth.  But I'm not
> able to figure out the manipulation of sounds -- and I have frequently
> f*#%&d up the sounds and the main installation by messing around.

> Okay, so I have installed and executed Nigel's carsound.exe, allowing
> individual sounds for the seven marques.  My sound folder has a sound.dat
> file, plus fer.wav, cos.wav, lot.wav and so forth.

> Now, what if I want to swap out an individual car .wav file?  I have been
> assuming that I could take the existing fer.wav, rename it, import a new
> fer.wav, and have a new engine note.  Not so, and I just tried it again a
> few moments ago.

> What the hell am I missing?  Be gentle.  Remember, I'm an idiot.

> Thanks for any help!

> Kurt

Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450
Bruce Kennewel

GPL sound question

by Bruce Kennewel » Fri, 28 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Maybe it's because the sound is called "ferrari.wav", Kurt?
Also, are you simply popping the new, replacement, sound file in the Sound
folder? If you do so, then it will override whatever is in the sounds.dat

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

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Remco Moe

GPL sound question

by Remco Moe » Fri, 28 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Hi Kurt,

All seems to be ok, but the mistake I often made was that I
forgot to rerun Carsound.Exe when I installed another GPL.EXE,
i.e. a patch....


>Okay, I'm an avowed idiot, but this has been driving me crazy virtually
>since GPL came out.

>I have downloaded and installed without problems scenery upgrades, new
>program covers, new dashes and***pits, setups and so forth.  But I'm not
>able to figure out the manipulation of sounds -- and I have frequently
>f*#%&d up the sounds and the main installation by messing around.

>Okay, so I have installed and executed Nigel's carsound.exe, allowing
>individual sounds for the seven marques.  My sound folder has a sound.dat
>file, plus fer.wav, cos.wav, lot.wav and so forth.

>Now, what if I want to swap out an individual car .wav file?  I have been
>assuming that I could take the existing fer.wav, rename it, import a new
>fer.wav, and have a new engine note.  Not so, and I just tried it again a
>few moments ago.

>What the hell am I missing?  Be gentle.  Remember, I'm an idiot.

>Thanks for any help!


Remco Moe

GPL sound question

by Remco Moe » Fri, 28 Jan 2000 04:00:00

>Maybe it's because the sound is called "ferrari.wav", Kurt?
>Also, are you simply popping the new, replacement, sound file in the Sound
>folder? If you do so, then it will override whatever is in the sounds.dat

Not when he's using Carsound.Exe....then you've a different sound for
each car, instead of only 5 sounds for 7 cars....


Kurt Steinboc

GPL sound question

by Kurt Steinboc » Fri, 28 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Hi, Remco --

Thanks for your response.  I thought maybe that was the problem, so I
downloaded and installed carsound.exe again yesterday before I wrote the
first post, so that ain't the answer.  :-/



>Hi Kurt,

>All seems to be ok, but the mistake I often made was that I
>forgot to rerun Carsound.Exe when I installed another GPL.EXE,
>i.e. a patch....


>>Okay, I'm an avowed idiot, but this has been driving me crazy virtually
>>since GPL came out.

>>I have downloaded and installed without problems scenery upgrades, new
>>program covers, new dashes and***pits, setups and so forth.  But I'm not
>>able to figure out the manipulation of sounds -- and I have frequently
>>f*#%&d up the sounds and the main installation by messing around.

>>Okay, so I have installed and executed Nigel's carsound.exe, allowing
>>individual sounds for the seven marques.  My sound folder has a sound.dat
>>file, plus fer.wav, cos.wav, lot.wav and so forth.

>>Now, what if I want to swap out an individual car .wav file?  I have been
>>assuming that I could take the existing fer.wav, rename it, import a new
>>fer.wav, and have a new engine note.  Not so, and I just tried it again a
>>few moments ago.

>>What the hell am I missing?  Be gentle.  Remember, I'm an idiot.

>>Thanks for any help!


Kurt Steinboc

GPL sound question

by Kurt Steinboc » Fri, 28 Jan 2000 04:00:00

>>Maybe it's because the sound is called "ferrari.wav", Kurt?
>>Also, are you simply popping the new, replacement, sound file in the Sound
>>folder? If you do so, then it will override whatever is in the sounds.dat

>Not when he's using Carsound.Exe....then you've a different sound for
>each car, instead of only 5 sounds for 7 cars....


Bruce and Remco, thanks for your responses!  The redoubtable Scott Husted
even forwarded his GPL.exe and Sound.dat for me to try.  (Thanks again,

Maybe this is a better approach:

What if I re-install GPL 1.2 and the original Sound.dat from the GPL cd-rom,
and simply forget about Carsound.exe?

That would give me, as I recall, a Sound folder with ONLY Sound.dat in it.

Doing that, how would one replace individual engine sounds?  Bruce's note
would indicate than any new sound dropped into the Sound folder would
over-ride the corresponding sound in Sound.dat.  Is that how all the rest of
you guys change engine sounds?

I know all of this sounds rather retarded, but, again, I have been under the
impression (apparently false) since GPL first came out, that you NEEDED
Carsound.exe to CHANGE individual engine sounds.  Perhaps I read too much
into the idea, as I really only want to change the Lotus, Eagle and Ferrari,
and don't particularly care about having SEVEN different engine sounds.

Whew!  If any of you are still with me on this, I appreciate it.  Like I
said originally, this has been driving me nuts.  Hope I'm not driving the
rest of you nuts, too!



Matthew Birger Knutse

GPL sound question

by Matthew Birger Knutse » Fri, 28 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Yo, Kurt, yup, you need the carsound util. In the original GPL, it's like

Ferrari: separate sound.
Lotus & Eagle: same sound
Honda, Brabham, Cooper, F2,F3: same sound
BRM: separate sound

Carsound then mods the GPL exe so that they all get their induvidual sounds.
You won't need to change the sounds via carsound after that, just rename the
sound to the one you want, and drop it in the sound dir, replacing the one
in question.

so, that's why Nigel made the proggie originally, so you wouldn't have a V8
in the Eagle and Honda. BTW, I may be picky, but I get mad when somebody
yells "great new Repco sound!" and it's a V6. D'oh.

Sounds absolutely marvellous when you have a grid of 16 cars growling away
from the start with 7 different sounds.

Now, to continue the tread; what Id like to see somebody manage:
-Separate _on throttle (accel) sound/ off throttle/ Idle. I want my engine
to snap, crackle & pop while on the brakes & downshifting!
- a nice diff/transmission sound, that follows the speed of the car/wheels.
Should be oscillating with the speed of the rear wheels.

Nah, just dreaming! :-)


Olav K. Malm

GPL sound question

by Olav K. Malm » Fri, 28 Jan 2000 04:00:00

The West brothers developing world sportscars need this info :)

Olav K. Malmin
remove spam when replying

Kurt Steinboc

GPL sound question

by Kurt Steinboc » Fri, 28 Jan 2000 04:00:00

some snippage

Thanks for weighing in, Matt, and for everything you GPLEA guys are up to!

Before I wrote my question yesterday, I ran Carsound.exe.  Then, for
experimental purposes, I downloaded a seven-sound soundpak from somewhere --
I recall it was the one rrevved(?) created.

So, then I had a Sound folder containing Sound.dat, and seven files called
fer.wav, cov.wav, bra.wav, lot.wav, mur.wav, brm.wav and eag.wav.

Then I downloaded the Ferrari engine sound from GPLEA (sounds nice and
growly when I run it through WinAmp!).  I renamed the fer.wav in the Sound
folder to oldfer.wav, and copied in the GPLEA sound, naming it fer.wav.  But
the sound doesn't change -- it's still the same sound that came in the sound

I know all of this defies logic, but that's what I've got.  Any clues?

Thanks again.



Scott B. Huste

GPL sound question

by Scott B. Huste » Fri, 28 Jan 2000 04:00:00

I have a feeling that the sound kit you downloaded replaced the gpl.exe or
sound.dat and thus the carsound.exe is no longer working.

I received your email and that GPL.exe I sent you and the sound.dat are the two
Im currently using with carsound.exe enabled and having no problems.  Just
rename your current gpl.exe and sound.dat and then drop the ones I sent you in
their place.

See if that works for you and keep us posted ;)    Once you have carsound.exe
installed, you dont want to mess with any other sound patches other than getting
individual .wav files to drop into the sound dir.


> some snippage

> >Carsound then mods the GPL exe so that they all get their induvidual
> sounds.
> >You won't need to change the sounds via carsound after that, just rename
> the
> >sound to the one you want, and drop it in the sound dir, replacing the one
> >in question.

> Thanks for weighing in, Matt, and for everything you GPLEA guys are up to!

> Before I wrote my question yesterday, I ran Carsound.exe.  Then, for
> experimental purposes, I downloaded a seven-sound soundpak from somewhere --
> I recall it was the one rrevved(?) created.

> So, then I had a Sound folder containing Sound.dat, and seven files called
> fer.wav, cov.wav, bra.wav, lot.wav, mur.wav, brm.wav and eag.wav.

> Then I downloaded the Ferrari engine sound from GPLEA (sounds nice and
> growly when I run it through WinAmp!).  I renamed the fer.wav in the Sound
> folder to oldfer.wav, and copied in the GPLEA sound, naming it fer.wav.  But
> the sound doesn't change -- it's still the same sound that came in the sound
> pak!

> I know all of this defies logic, but that's what I've got.  Any clues?

> Thanks again.

>  Regards,

> Kurt

Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450
Kurt Steinboc

GPL sound question

by Kurt Steinboc » Fri, 28 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Hmmm.  Maybe you're right, Scott.  Well, since none of my clients seem to be
returning phone calls today, I'm gonna take a few minutes and try that out
right now.

Thanks again.


>I have a feeling that the sound kit you downloaded replaced the gpl.exe or
>sound.dat and thus the carsound.exe is no longer working.

>I received your email and that GPL.exe I sent you and the sound.dat are the
>Im currently using with carsound.exe enabled and having no problems.  Just
>rename your current gpl.exe and sound.dat and then drop the ones I sent you
>their place.

>See if that works for you and keep us posted ;)    Once you have
>installed, you dont want to mess with any other sound patches other than
>individual .wav files to drop into the sound dir.


>> some snippage

>> >Carsound then mods the GPL exe so that they all get their induvidual
>> sounds.
>> >You won't need to change the sounds via carsound after that, just rename
>> the
>> >sound to the one you want, and drop it in the sound dir, replacing the
>> >in question.

>> Thanks for weighing in, Matt, and for everything you GPLEA guys are up

>> Before I wrote my question yesterday, I ran Carsound.exe.  Then, for
>> experimental purposes, I downloaded a seven-sound soundpak from
somewhere --
>> I recall it was the one rrevved(?) created.

>> So, then I had a Sound folder containing Sound.dat, and seven files
>> fer.wav, cov.wav, bra.wav, lot.wav, mur.wav, brm.wav and eag.wav.

>> Then I downloaded the Ferrari engine sound from GPLEA (sounds nice and
>> growly when I run it through WinAmp!).  I renamed the fer.wav in the
>> folder to oldfer.wav, and copied in the GPLEA sound, naming it fer.wav.
>> the sound doesn't change -- it's still the same sound that came in the
>> pak!

>> I know all of this defies logic, but that's what I've got.  Any clues?

>> Thanks again.

>>  Regards,

>> Kurt

>Scott B. Husted
>ICQ# 4395450

Kurt Steinboc

GPL sound question

by Kurt Steinboc » Fri, 28 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Well, Scott (and other interested parties), for whatever reason, your
GPL.exe and Sound.dat solved the problem!  I can now swap out the Ferrari
sound (at last).  I tested it with a sound I grabbed from The Pits -- that
worked.  I also renamed the Honda sound just for ducks -- that worked too!

A million thanks!

And big thanks to everyone else who offered ideas, too!

Kurt Steinbock
(now making happy RUNNN-duhhh, RUNNN-duhhh sounds!)

>Hmmm.  Maybe you're right, Scott.  Well, since none of my clients seem to
>returning phone calls today, I'm gonna take a few minutes and try that out
>right now.

>Thanks again.


>>I have a feeling that the sound kit you downloaded replaced the gpl.exe or
>>sound.dat and thus the carsound.exe is no longer working.

>>I received your email and that GPL.exe I sent you and the sound.dat are
>>Im currently using with carsound.exe enabled and having no problems.  Just
>>rename your current gpl.exe and sound.dat and then drop the ones I sent
>>their place.

>>See if that works for you and keep us posted ;)    Once you have
>>installed, you dont want to mess with any other sound patches other than
>>individual .wav files to drop into the sound dir.


>>> some snippage

>>> >Carsound then mods the GPL exe so that they all get their induvidual
>>> sounds.
>>> >You won't need to change the sounds via carsound after that, just
>>> the
>>> >sound to the one you want, and drop it in the sound dir, replacing the
>>> >in question.

>>> Thanks for weighing in, Matt, and for everything you GPLEA guys are up

>>> Before I wrote my question yesterday, I ran Carsound.exe.  Then, for
>>> experimental purposes, I downloaded a seven-sound soundpak from
>somewhere --
>>> I recall it was the one rrevved(?) created.

>>> So, then I had a Sound folder containing Sound.dat, and seven files
>>> fer.wav, cov.wav, bra.wav, lot.wav, mur.wav, brm.wav and eag.wav.

>>> Then I downloaded the Ferrari engine sound from GPLEA (sounds nice and
>>> growly when I run it through WinAmp!).  I renamed the fer.wav in the
>>> folder to oldfer.wav, and copied in the GPLEA sound, naming it fer.wav.
>>> the sound doesn't change -- it's still the same sound that came in the
>>> pak!

>>> I know all of this defies logic, but that's what I've got.  Any clues?

>>> Thanks again.

>>>  Regards,

>>> Kurt

>>Scott B. Husted
>>ICQ# 4395450

Scott B. Huste

GPL sound question

by Scott B. Huste » Fri, 28 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Cool!  Glad to hear it.   If you ever want to exchange any .wav files, let me
know ;)   I currently switched from Eagle to Ferrari.  I forget the name of the
person who did the fer.wav Im now using, but its not the one that came with the


> Well, Scott (and other interested parties), for whatever reason, your
> GPL.exe and Sound.dat solved the problem!  I can now swap out the Ferrari
> sound (at last).  I tested it with a sound I grabbed from The Pits -- that
> worked.  I also renamed the Honda sound just for ducks -- that worked too!

> A million thanks!

> And big thanks to everyone else who offered ideas, too!

> Kurt Steinbock
> (now making happy RUNNN-duhhh, RUNNN-duhhh sounds!)

Scott B. Husted
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