Well, Scott (and other interested parties), for whatever reason, your
GPL.exe and Sound.dat solved the problem! I can now swap out the Ferrari
sound (at last). I tested it with a sound I grabbed from The Pits -- that
worked. I also renamed the Honda sound just for ducks -- that worked too!
A million thanks!
And big thanks to everyone else who offered ideas, too!
Kurt Steinbock
(now making happy RUNNN-duhhh, RUNNN-duhhh sounds!)
>Hmmm. Maybe you're right, Scott. Well, since none of my clients seem to
>returning phone calls today, I'm gonna take a few minutes and try that out
>right now.
>Thanks again.
>>I have a feeling that the sound kit you downloaded replaced the gpl.exe or
>>sound.dat and thus the carsound.exe is no longer working.
>>I received your email and that GPL.exe I sent you and the sound.dat are
>>Im currently using with carsound.exe enabled and having no problems. Just
>>rename your current gpl.exe and sound.dat and then drop the ones I sent
>>their place.
>>See if that works for you and keep us posted ;) Once you have
>>installed, you dont want to mess with any other sound patches other than
>>individual .wav files to drop into the sound dir.
>>> some snippage
>>> >Carsound then mods the GPL exe so that they all get their induvidual
>>> sounds.
>>> >You won't need to change the sounds via carsound after that, just
>>> the
>>> >sound to the one you want, and drop it in the sound dir, replacing the
>>> >in question.
>>> Thanks for weighing in, Matt, and for everything you GPLEA guys are up
>>> Before I wrote my question yesterday, I ran Carsound.exe. Then, for
>>> experimental purposes, I downloaded a seven-sound soundpak from
>somewhere --
>>> I recall it was the one rrevved(?) created.
>>> So, then I had a Sound folder containing Sound.dat, and seven files
>>> fer.wav, cov.wav, bra.wav, lot.wav, mur.wav, brm.wav and eag.wav.
>>> Then I downloaded the Ferrari engine sound from GPLEA (sounds nice and
>>> growly when I run it through WinAmp!). I renamed the fer.wav in the
>>> folder to oldfer.wav, and copied in the GPLEA sound, naming it fer.wav.
>>> the sound doesn't change -- it's still the same sound that came in the
>>> pak!
>>> I know all of this defies logic, but that's what I've got. Any clues?
>>> Thanks again.
>>> Regards,
>>> Kurt
>>Scott B. Husted
>>ICQ# 4395450