NL not a pure sim because...


NL not a pure sim because...

by Schlom » Tue, 16 Nov 1999 04:00:00

...because if it were there would have been a slugfest in the pits following my
race at Texas tonight :)  I was leading with a lap to go (of 125) when all of a
sudden this big shiny red Dodge Daytona driven by Bobby Issac nerfs me from
behind and puts me into the turn 2 wall.  I wasnt this mad at an AI driver
since John Surtees ruined my chance to win my first GPL race!! (which I still
havent won...and I blame virtual Surtees for it).  I mean now i kinda think
"hey...this is cool...they really fight for position".  But after it happened I
was just a little pissed :)



NL not a pure sim because...

by Number » Tue, 16 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I can relate.....I was racing Tiny Lund into turn one at Atlanta, and
those damned bias ply's slipped up, and I got into Tiny, sending him
hard into the wall.......if it had been a true sim, Tiny would have
drug me outta my 'bird on the next pit stop, and beat the hell out of
me.......'course, afterward he'd have offered me a beer and asked me
up to his fishing camp.....*LOL*

Brandon Reed
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