I'm quite sure this is the case too. The V3's just hit the streets TODAY,
and are only made by STB. And even if it was a Diamond 3dfx-based card,
it'd be a Monster something, not Stealth. Either he should try to run it in
Rendition mode in case it's a S220, or he's outta luck.
Ken's Sig 2.01
"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system
of government.
Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from
some farcical aquatic ceremony."
Go #43 and #44!
volksy (at) geocities (dot) com
volksy (at) yahoo (dot) com
>Sounds like he doesnt know what card he bought.
>Voodoo3s are only being made by STB. No one else will make the
>If it's a Stealth, it could be the Stealth II s220 which is Rendition
>based and works beautifully with GPL
>If its a Stealth G460 then its Intel i740 based and a very avergae
>card for anything.
>>One of my friends also just got a Diamond Stealth Voodoo 3 (?) I think,
and has
>>been very frustrated that GPL and the computer simply locks up once you
>>on the green button on the track/event selection screen. He said
>>about it being uncompatible with Glide. Pretty rediculous. I hope it's
>>something that is rectified soon, because I was planning on upgrading in
>>near future.
>>- - - - -
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