highly recommend it to anyone!
> Has anyone tried the F3 cars at Hickory against the AI? Great fun, I would
> highly recommend it to anyone!
> Chris
Bristol, Darlington, Hickory, Homestead, Louden, Phoenix, Pikes,
Talladega, and WGI are perfect for F3 racing.
Bristol is a sun of a gun in F1. F3 it isn't much easier, but it does
help teach what consistency and patients are all about. Darlington is a
simple track where Drafting and strategy begins to play a role.
However, when racing against equally gifted drivers, it becomes more and
more a track for mono-marquee events. Hickory and Homestead I don't
have enough time involved to say what's what. However, They do seem to
be very fun in F3. Louden, Phoenix, and Pikes, I'm much faster in my
Coventry then my Ferrari. So, I can't really say it's a mono-marquee
track. Dega is an absolute mono-marquee track. Dega, as anyone will
tell you, once you're out of the draft, It's boring as hell. This track
does produce a lot of easy side by side racing, Lots of drafting.
Strategy becomes a very big part of this track. (lot's of fun in F3:)
WGI is a road course, so the benefits are obvious. The other converted
track.. Atlanta, Michigan, Charlette, and Texas are a bit too easy for
F3's. In my opinion, once you have the inside line, nobody can pass
you. So they are no good in F3. They would be great for F2's and F1's
though. Again, In my opinion. I hope the next tracks to be converted
are the Sears Point and the Riverside tracks. Although other small
ovals would be welcomed too:)
I was originally against the Ovals for GPL. But knowing that GPL
drivers are putting in more of an effort to be clean after the start
then most of the NASCAR drivers... And because the ovals have given me
some experiences that are easily translated in to my road course
cornering, I welcome them now:)
Mike Barlow of Barlow Racing?
Racing online with the help of......
Race Communications Association
Holodyne Engineering
Mystic Music
(have Your !!Name/Address!! placed here)
> > Has anyone tried the F3 cars at Hickory against the AI? Great fun, I
> > highly recommend it to anyone!
> > Chris
> WOW, another F3 enthusiast? We need more of you<g>. I've driven
> Hickory against the AI and against two humans online. The track has a
> lot of potential especially for F3. Now if I can only find enough F3
> drivers to run it.
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