developing setups for the class. What are good lap times in these
Jonathan Bishop
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Jonathan Bishop
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Not really sure yet, but I would say 1:20 or so at Watkins Glen is
very good.
G. Patricks
> Noticing an F3-only race on VROC the other night has made me start
> developing setups for the class. What are good lap times in these
> cars?
These times should get you in the ballpark. I'm not sure what the
absolute best F3 times would look like yet...
D Bell on VROC
I did a 1:21.71 at the Glen in an F3! However, someone else did a
bunch of 1:19s :(
If you can do 1:23s (imo) you will be in the center to back end of
the field. What makes the F3's so fun is that even with the slow lap
times there is always three or four other drivers inches from your car
for a number of laps.
> Thanks,
> Jonathan Bishop
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