Aw, well, if the FF patch for GPL will do what is promised I fear that both
games are going to collect dust.
Oh, I car race a Volvo in TOCA 2 :)
Olav K. Malmin
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I had TOCA2 before SCGT, and I loved it. Since I got SCGT, I never even
touched TOCA2. Part of that is I am a porsche fanatic so SCGT is more
fun for me, but I also prefer SCGT's driving model, TOCA felt arcadish
to me but good fun nevertheless. TOCA2's got the edge in visual damage
modeling, and unlike SCGT you can bang wheels and not necessarily lose
audience. Also TOCA2 annoyed me with steering wheel bugs and the fact
that you could not go thru the entire championship unless you finished
pretty high at EVERY race. Stupid feature, that... Get the demo of
TOCA2 and make up your mind ! ;-)
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I got TOCA2 about 4 days ago (its an import here in the and have only played SCGT's demo. I'm impressed
with TOCA2's faithful representations of the actual cars and thought TOCA
carshapes were about 25% better than SCGT. The TOCA tracks seem to be modeled
with care with more effective curbing and rumble strips. Haven't noticed much
diff. yet between marques in TOCA other than engine sounds although thats one
of the goals of BTCC racing I understand.
Physics? Well, I've been spoiled by GPL so I know what could be offered in
racing games. They both seem to suffer from lazy modeling, no real feeling of
4 wheels and tires working or weight shifting at the drivers input. Typically
fishy g-force thresholds you'll find in most driving games. Superhuman effort
needed in TOCA to recover from slides.
TOCA2 does deliver on the racing aspect of the game. Real close quarter stuff
with fine car control offered. May be difficult to setup a wheel though, I use
a Log. Dig. Wingman Ext. stick and love it. Haven't raced enough yet to rate
AI, looks fine but unexceptional at this point.
TOCA2 menu's are awful, a real click fest confirming every stinking choice over
and over with about 800 combos of cars and tracks and weather and livery and
race formats etc. Tedious stuff. Skimpy documentation and helpfile with
Graphics are about the same on both SCGT and TOCA2...slap it in the box and get
it out the door. Marginally better in SCGT but you won't get either confused
with NFS. I'm running TOCA on my nVidia 128 because I'm sick!! to!! death!!
of Voodoo graphics. Your sys specs sound good.
Happy Motoring
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