> I'll have to let you know; I just bought one
> of those "Twinswitches" from CompUSA. I
> haven't connected it yet. The only other
> device I've seen is the Joyswitch (info at
> www.joyswitch.com ), but it's $60 compared to
> $15 for the Twinswitch. I've also considered
> converting a data switchbox (for printers)
> over to serve this purpose. Anyway, I'd be
> interested in hearing from others on this
> subject myself.
> Later...
> Tony Long
> > Does anyone use a T2 Wheel/pedals through an automatic joystick switching box?
> > If so which switch do you use? I have been using one, but it makes my
> > brake/gas pedals drift during Nascar2. Anyone else seen this problem or is it
> > just my joystick switcher?
> > Vintook
added a second AB switchbox with a homemade Y cable to switch between
adapter and no adapter for windows/dos games with the TM2.
Jim Treber