If so which switch do you use? I have been using one, but it makes my
brake/gas pedals drift during Nascar2. Anyone else seen this problem or is it
just my joystick switcher?
Tony Long
> Does anyone use a T2 Wheel/pedals through an automatic joystick switching box?
> If so which switch do you use? I have been using one, but it makes my
> brake/gas pedals drift during Nascar2. Anyone else seen this problem or is it
> just my joystick switcher?
> Vintook
Tony Long
> The twinswitch box is the one I have. Plug your wheel into it and see if it
> you get the same problem as I described.
> Vintook
You will still need to select the controller your going to use through
windows game controllers though, but you don't have to keep recalibrating
windows remembers the settings.
Rgds Phil.