figuring an average of 9 minutes per lap, thats a 19 hour race with some
change. Hey, maybe some friends can get together and run the race and
rotate every little bit. I would say every few hours but in GPL, your mind
gets dead after an hour or so, so maybe an hour at a time. That would be a
true marathon. Somehow there has to be a hack to get more fuel in the car.
|> Ah well, the best track only needs 15, doesn't it :)
|> >
|> > If someone wants to race the Homestead 200, forget it. I believe the
|> > maximum amount of laps in GPL is 128. After that the lapcounter will
|> > stay at 128 until you got no fuel. That is something what will not
|> > happen to the AI, they go on until you get bored. (IF the AI reach
|> > that point, only 2 of 19 did in the race I tried).
|If somebody ever does 128laps at the Nurburgring, we will need to launch a
|special program to help people like him, Simcohlics ;)
|-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard/Nas-Frank>
|-- NROS Nascar sanctioned Guide