Well, I finally got my wheel and am trying to set it up. I installed it as
per the manual's instructions but when it brings up the Game Controllers
screen, my Gravis Gamepad says "OK" but the wheel says "Not Connected".
I tried reinstalling it twice with no change.
I then got the latest drivers from the TM site (v1.23) and put them in a dir
on the desktop. I removed the wheel and rebooted. When it asked for drivers,
I sent it to that dir and it installed fine with an "OK" next to it, the only
difference being that it now says "Guillemot FFB Wheel" instead of "Thrustmaster
FFB Wheel". Calibrating the wheel in Properties works; the wheel and all buttons
But, going into F1CS2000 it doesn't seem to recognize the wheel as a controller.
I tried Controller 1 and 2 but it doesn't respond in the game. When I scroll through
the controllers, it only lists keyboard, controller 1, controller 2; no wheel.
What am I missing?
Any info appreciated...
- Tom N.