I own the quite old but still nice Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback Wheel
Gameport version.
Sadly i use Windows XP and M$ is bnot supporting this hardware with software
I can get the Wheel connected and working just fine but i have no force
Sometimes like a miracle i have force feedback and then it disapears as soon
i close the application.
I tryed the Gameport of my motherboard and the gameport of my soundcard
(hercules Gamesurround Fortissimo III 7.1). I played with the midi settings
but nothing helped.
FF ist not working 99.5% of the time wich is a shame.
Please don't post: Get a USB version since i am not willing to do so.
I payed a lot money for this device when it came out and it's in perfect
condition. I just want to get the FF to work under Windows XP (PRO)
I know this is a common problem and i've searched a lot but haven't found a
solution so far.
Thanks for your help in advance.
P.S: Sorry for my poor english. It's my 2nd language.