I am another MSF user. I've had mine for over a year now, and I always
get solid 36fps (well, used to before GPL 1.1!). I've had a lot of
frame rate problems after the patch but I seem to have got around
them, after a lot of work. After the FF patch I just keep getting
faster and I can't say one bad thing about this wheel. I have used the
LWFF on several occasions at a mate's house and I'd say is also
another great wheel, but if offered both I would not think twice about
taking the MSFF. I guess I am just too used to it, I suppouse.
I guess until I can have an ECCI with FF I'll stick with the MSFF.
If you have a reasonably fast pc (properly configured of course) GPL
will run at a solid 36fps whether you have a Logitech or MSFF, one
thing is for sure: if you buy the logitech, you'll be buying a wheel
which the pedals are in my view simply unusable, and why not say
unacceptable considering is such a great steering wheel.
>>So the only weak link for the LWFF is the pedals, but you readily admit
>>the Microsoft wheel steals cpu cycles. That is not fixable with a
>>screwdriver and $2. Seems to me that is a greater flaw in design than any
>>commited by Logitech. Steering is only half of it, performance is the
>>and the LWFF comes out on top. The only area I see that Microsoft excels
>>in the optical components.
> I've been using a MSFF wheel for more than 2months now,and with my AMD
>K6-2/450 and Vodoo3 3000,I get a rock solid 36 pfs online with all graphics
>except people and cars only in the mirrors. So loosing some cpu cycles
>hasn't been a issue with me.
> Joel Willstein