I bought a PDPI board, it is an ISA board, you can connect four joysticks
to it (the big version accepts 8!), it is digital and is filtering your
signals as well, thus making your input signals rock steady and less
And last but not least, it doesn't use your CPU at all, so your CPU can
be better used where it should, for instance, simulating other cars and
And it is flexible! You can use pots from 10kohms to 1 mohm, you might
have to tweak a few registers, but it is very flexible.
I am not a salesperson, I'm only extremely happy with my PDPI...
> I want to be able to connect my Thrustmaster Wheel and
> a basic-ish joystick (2 axis, four buttons, hat switch) to my PC in a
> way that allows me to map them to different controller
> numbers in Win 95. ( I.e. a simple splitting device like
> a Quickshot J-link will not work).
> So I guess I need a dedicated game port card in an ISA
> slot. Does anyone have any recommendations?
> Thanks,
> Steve