> >I have tried Revs on a C64 emulator, but can't get it to work. What are
> >the keys? I'd love to try it, just for the sake of nostalgia, but the car
> >just sits there...
> I'm sorry, but I played it only on the old C64, and it was so many
> years ago, that I can't remember the keys....
I believe.
Once the engine is running I think it's Z and X or something like that
for left and right, and if you hold down the space bar it increases the
steering lock.
I think accelerate and brake were / and : or something, and I'm not sure
about gear change - it may be that you need to press something (possibly
Return) while accelerating to change up, and press the same key while
braking to change down.
Personally I always used a joystick, so I'm not sure about the keys
except for T and Space!