Not exactly the motto I envisioned for Racing Legends.
Not exactly the motto I envisioned for Racing Legends.
>>>>Actually it is.
>>>>Scam: an illegal plan for making money.
>>>>Libel: a piece of writing which contains bad and false things about a
>>>>If Ted is right and it is a scam then he has nothing to worry about if he
>>>>puts his real name and his contact details to the accusation he made.
>>>>Come on, Ted, time to put-up or shut-the-f-up.
>>>Are you this silly in real life or is it just your online persona ?
>>Don't try and pontificate your way out of it, boy. Just put your real name
>>to your accusation or withdraw it. Saying stuff like that from behind a
>>pseudonym just marks you out as a coward who is too scared to stand by
>>what he says.
> Unless you are their solicitor I'll refrain from giving someone called
> "whooo" and the rest of Usenet my real name, but in the unlikely event your
> buddies "the West boys" contact me, I'll gladly provide real details for the
> forthcoming libel case.
> You do realise you're looking like a real*** here, don't you ?
Even better, why don't I just fine myself a couple of grand and send them
the money ?
Mork calling Orson, come in Orson.
>>Why wait for them to contact little you? Just contacted them with your
>>accusation and details. Don't forget to tell them you libelled then on
> Even better, why don't I just fine myself a couple of grand and send them
> the money ?
> Mork calling Orson, come in Orson.
NO! NO! What am I going to do with my 200 Racing Legends T-shirts?
stuff like that from behind a pseudonym just marks you out as a coward who
is too scared to stand by what he says.
Done. Thanks a lot. I feel so much better now.
Can you take into consideration 3000 other libellous comments I may have
made in the past ? Great. Ill send those details to you later.
I sure hope your hotmail account can handle all the incoming correspondence.
> Bruce.
>>....Just put your real name to your accusation or withdraw it. Saying
> stuff like that from behind a pseudonym just marks you out as a coward who
> is too scared to stand by what he says.
>>>>Why wait for them to contact little you? Just contacted them with your
>>>>accusation and details. Don't forget to tell them you libelled then on
>>>Even better, why don't I just fine myself a couple of grand and send them
>>>the money ?
>>>Mork calling Orson, come in Orson.
>>E-mail me your details and I will pass the on.
> Done. Thanks a lot. I feel so much better now.
> Can you take into consideration 3000 other libellous comments I may have
> made in the past ? Great. Ill send those details to you later.
> I sure hope your hotmail account can handle all the incoming correspondence.
> Eeeek.
Irrespective of libellous comments or not, isn't it a tad hypocritical to be
castigating someone else for their anonymity when you are also hiding behind
a mask?
Seems to me that those who live in glass houses, etcetera.
> Irrespective of libellous comments or not, isn't it a tad hypocritical to be
> castigating someone else for their anonymity when you are also hiding behind
> a mask?
> Seems to me that those who live in glass houses, etcetera.
Let Ted come forward, like a man, make his allegation and let the West
boys decide how to proceed, I say. What's wrong with that suggestion?
Well, according to you, the problem with that suggestion is that I don't
post under my real name!
> Not because I want to libel people and get away with it. Some people
> wear hoods so they can get away with committing crime. I wear a hood to
> keep my head warm. There's nothing wrong with wearing a hood to keep the
> old head warm, is there?
> Let Ted come forward, like a man, make his allegation and let the West
> boys decide how to proceed, I say. What's wrong with that suggestion?
> Well, according to you, the problem with that suggestion is that I don't
> post under my real name!
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"
"When two or more people are gathered together in my name,
they shall perform the Parrot Sketch..."
--Our Lord John Cleese--