I have had this problem and I have localized it to my ISP. It has something
to do with GPL but I think it may be that the type of packets it is sending
to the ISP aren't registering as valid net traffic or something. GPL is the
only program that exhibits this problem except that my friend who has the
same ISP as me has had the problem when connecting to a site via PPTP.
I have tried many things to correct the problem but nothing has worked.
Scott from Papyrus helped me a great deal in troubleshooting the problem.
The upshot of all of the testing? I am signing on with a new ISP soon.
Here's the deal:
3 other people I know have GPL and the same ISP. We have all connected and
tried racing and we all had the problem at different times. If the other
two guys, who have alternate ISP's already, connected via their other ISP,
they experienced NO OTHER PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER, whereas I would keep getting
booted. Also, the other guys never played GPL through Voicenet (my ISP)
before. They have always used their other ISP and never had the problem.
They never discoed until they went to Voicenet. Ever.
The modem log always says the same thing: "Remote Modem Hung up". It is the
same message that appeared on the other folks machines when they had their
discos. Bottom line: my isp, Voicenet, does NOT like GPL for some reason.
It may be some sort of software installed on their server that detects what
it considers "valid" traffic (http? ftp?). If it doesn't detect valid
traffic on a connection for more than 15 minutes or so, it disconnects. It
is maddening and the ISP was no help at all. To hell with them. They lost
my business.
I can't stand getting discoed from league races anymore. I haven't
completed a race since last December.
One thing you can try which seems to have solved the problem for me
temporarily is to run GSB. For some reason, this seems to keep the
connection alive. I haven't raced in a league race using it, but VROC races
stay connected while leaving GSB running in the background.
Hope this helps. You are not alone.
Good luck,
>I've had this happen a couple of times, and it's due to losing the ISP
>connection. Strangely, I think that there is something that can happen due
>to running GPL on-line that will cause the disconnect, since this has only
>happened when I'm connected to specific people's host systems! I haven't
>created a log file, but would be interested in knowing if the disconnect is
>being initiated from the ISP end, or if something in the modem/serial port
>drivers on my PC is causing this. In either case, it happens "behind GPL's
>back", but I think that GPL is somehow involved.
>Doug Gordon
>(remove "nospam" from e-mail address)
>I seem to be experiencing this error, 10049 Error on network device, quite
>bit. First the sound goes (focus moving from the GPL a message box),
>pressing the mouse button brings it back to GPL. Sometimes it stays
>connected, but mostly I get disconnected.
>A v90 modem is what I use to connect.
>Any suggestions?