anyone know what a error 10049 is.....

Lindsay Adam

anyone know what a error 10049 is.....

by Lindsay Adam » Wed, 10 Feb 1999 04:00:00

....whilst racing GPL online.

Usually preceded by the sound disappearing  >:-(



Paul Jone

anyone know what a error 10049 is.....

by Paul Jone » Wed, 10 Feb 1999 04:00:00

When the sound disappears while I am racing online, it's a sure sign
that the line to my ISP has dropped. Maybe this is error 10049 - I've
never looking at the error code, but everytime the sound goes, when I
quit GPL I find the disconnected message.

> ....whilst racing GPL online.

> Usually preceded by the sound disappearing  >:-(

> cheers

> -Lindsay

Graeme Nas

anyone know what a error 10049 is.....

by Graeme Nas » Wed, 10 Feb 1999 04:00:00

It means that the line to your ISP has dropped. I've been disconnected
all too often like this. Also I've had 10053(?) errors boot me when my
modem is used by another program like my newsreader.

Graeme Nash
ICQ# 11257824

1998 Xoom GP2 League Champion

Remco Moe

anyone know what a error 10049 is.....

by Remco Moe » Wed, 10 Feb 1999 04:00:00

>....whilst racing GPL online.

>Usually preceded by the sound disappearing  >:-(

Hi Lindsay,

Do you use a serial modem with the generic joystick driver?


Lindsay Adam

anyone know what a error 10049 is.....

by Lindsay Adam » Wed, 10 Feb 1999 04:00:00


no - I use an internal PCI ISDN card..
with the direct js driver
MS force feedback steering wheel
2 blaster v2 in SLI
Celeron 300a o/c to 464
96 Mb memory
180Mb swap file
86% system resource before starting inet/netscape-vroc/gpl



>>....whilst racing GPL online.

>>Usually preceded by the sound disappearing  >:-(

>Hi Lindsay,

>Do you use a serial modem with the generic joystick driver?


Lindsay Adam

anyone know what a error 10049 is.....

by Lindsay Adam » Wed, 10 Feb 1999 04:00:00


yes the line is usally dropped when i eventually get back out of GPL...
but sometimes the sound comes back and I can carry on (though this is only
during practice - if it happens during a race I haven't a hope in hell of
stayin in the race.

I usually connect at 64k when I'm gonna connect to a host, but th problem
also occurs if I'm connected at 128k. Do you know what causes this
disconnection from the ISP?

set my MTU to 572 (ran EasyMTU to determine what the best was - but these
problems still exist. As well as my currnet ISDN card (see my resoponse to
Remco) I've also had an internal ISA isdn card and an external TA on the com
port and these also gave the same problems. The external TA was much worse

I can surf and play other games fro hours on end without ISP disconnects -
any ideas why it happens in GPL.

Also - Papy are rumoured to be bringing out a path for GPL, one of the
"bigs" it fixes is online play ...anyone know any news about when....



>When the sound disappears while I am racing online, it's a sure sign
>that the line to my ISP has dropped. Maybe this is error 10049 - I've
>never looking at the error code, but everytime the sound goes, when I
>quit GPL I find the disconnected message.

>> ....whilst racing GPL online.

>> Usually preceded by the sound disappearing  >:-(

>> cheers

>> -Lindsay

Paul Jone

anyone know what a error 10049 is.....

by Paul Jone » Wed, 10 Feb 1999 04:00:00

You should moan at your ISP. I use sometimes use Demon in the UK but due to the
large amounts of ISP induced disconnects (something confirmed in a recent
survey) I have been switching to BT Internet. This is akk of no relevance to you
if you live outside the UK.
You could try using a USB ISDN modem like DrayTek Vigor which should give you
better GPL connections (see Alison Hine's site) but if your ISP drops the line
then it's really out of your hands. Give them stick! Disconnects induced by
other factors than an ISP disconnect are not usually accompanied by a loss of

> Paul,

> yes the line is usally dropped when i eventually get back out of GPL...
> but sometimes the sound comes back and I can carry on (though this is only
> during practice - if it happens during a race I haven't a hope in hell of
> stayin in the race.

> I usually connect at 64k when I'm gonna connect to a host, but th problem
> also occurs if I'm connected at 128k. Do you know what causes this
> disconnection from the ISP?

> set my MTU to 572 (ran EasyMTU to determine what the best was - but these
> problems still exist. As well as my currnet ISDN card (see my resoponse to
> Remco) I've also had an internal ISA isdn card and an external TA on the com
> port and these also gave the same problems. The external TA was much worse
> though.

> I can surf and play other games fro hours on end without ISP disconnects -
> any ideas why it happens in GPL.

> Also - Papy are rumoured to be bringing out a path for GPL, one of the
> "bigs" it fixes is online play ...anyone know any news about when....

> thanx

> -Lindsay

> >When the sound disappears while I am racing online, it's a sure sign
> >that the line to my ISP has dropped. Maybe this is error 10049 - I've
> >never looking at the error code, but everytime the sound goes, when I
> >quit GPL I find the disconnected message.
> >Cheers,
> >Paul

> >> ....whilst racing GPL online.

> >> Usually preceded by the sound disappearing  >:-(

> >> cheers

> >> -Lindsay

Lindsay Adam

anyone know what a error 10049 is.....

by Lindsay Adam » Thu, 11 Feb 1999 04:00:00

geez - is my spelling ***or what!! :-) sorry about all the typos.

I've had some communication with my ISP (Freeserve) but they don't knwo what
it is really. They've been experimenting with STAC compression on their
routers(which is off at the moment) Have you found BT to be ok?

I have a free 3month trial with them - do they charge a flat monthly rate or
is it "more for more" charging?

(I am in the UK BTW)



>You should moan at your ISP. I use sometimes use Demon in the UK but due to
>large amounts of ISP induced disconnects (something confirmed in a recent
>survey) I have been switching to BT Internet. This is akk of no relevance
to you
>if you live outside the UK.
>You could try using a USB ISDN modem like DrayTek Vigor which should give
>better GPL connections (see Alison Hine's site) but if your ISP drops the
>then it's really out of your hands. Give them stick! Disconnects induced by
>other factors than an ISP disconnect are not usually accompanied by a loss

>> Paul,

>> yes the line is usally dropped when i eventually get back out of GPL...
>> but sometimes the sound comes back and I can carry on (though this is
>> during practice - if it happens during a race I haven't a hope in hell of
>> stayin in the race.

>> I usually connect at 64k when I'm gonna connect to a host, but th problem
>> also occurs if I'm connected at 128k. Do you know what causes this
>> disconnection from the ISP?

>> set my MTU to 572 (ran EasyMTU to determine what the best was - but these
>> problems still exist. As well as my currnet ISDN card (see my resoponse
>> Remco) I've also had an internal ISA isdn card and an external TA on the
>> port and these also gave the same problems. The external TA was much
>> though.

>> I can surf and play other games fro hours on end without ISP
disconnects -
>> any ideas why it happens in GPL.

>> Also - Papy are rumoured to be bringing out a path for GPL, one of the
>> "bigs" it fixes is online play ...anyone know any news about when....

>> thanx

>> -Lindsay

>> >When the sound disappears while I am racing online, it's a sure sign
>> >that the line to my ISP has dropped. Maybe this is error 10049 - I've
>> >never looking at the error code, but everytime the sound goes, when I
>> >quit GPL I find the disconnected message.
>> >Cheers,
>> >Paul

>> >> ....whilst racing GPL online.

>> >> Usually preceded by the sound disappearing  >:-(

>> >> cheers

>> >> -Lindsay

Paul Jone

anyone know what a error 10049 is.....

by Paul Jone » Thu, 11 Feb 1999 04:00:00

Yes, I found BT lines much better - well they own the network (not that I would,
for a moment, suggest that there's any funny business going on). When connected
at the same speed, I still get the data heaps faster from BT - for example
downloading Nascar Revolution at 30Mb (don't do it - it's crap), I downloaded
the first 300Kb through Demon and Netscape predicted that it would take 6 hours
to download. I quit, reconnected to BT and got it in 1 hour 45 minutes. This is
an extreme example. I still use demon for news and mail because everyone knows
my Demon mail account and the fixed IP address.
I lost my Freeserve account because I forgot my password and they won't tell me
it - but that seemed a little better than demon for www browsing but worse for
n.g.'s and mail and about the same for VROC connections.
The advantage of BT Internet is that if you live in the right area (and now I do
- if I grin anymore I'll split my face) you can get ADSL - you need BT phone
line as well. If you've got a cable phone line, bear in mind that many cable
suppliers are launching cable modems now - see NTL web pages - and check if you
cable owner is NTL - they have 50% holding in my area even though they don't say
that on their page. It appears that the UK's connectability is being dragged

window of opportunity. I'll try to dig up the results of the survey that had
Demon so low.

> geez - is my spelling ***or what!! :-) sorry about all the typos.

> I've had some communication with my ISP (Freeserve) but they don't knwo what
> it is really. They've been experimenting with STAC compression on their
> routers(which is off at the moment) Have you found BT to be ok?

> I have a free 3month trial with them - do they charge a flat monthly rate or
> is it "more for more" charging?

> (I am in the UK BTW)

> cheers

> -Lindsay

> >You should moan at your ISP. I use sometimes use Demon in the UK but due to
> the
> >large amounts of ISP induced disconnects (something confirmed in a recent
> >survey) I have been switching to BT Internet. This is akk of no relevance
> to you
> >if you live outside the UK.
> >You could try using a USB ISDN modem like DrayTek Vigor which should give
> you
> >better GPL connections (see Alison Hine's site) but if your ISP drops the
> line
> >then it's really out of your hands. Give them stick! Disconnects induced by
> >other factors than an ISP disconnect are not usually accompanied by a loss
> of
> >sound.
> >Cheers,
> >Paul

> >> Paul,

> >> yes the line is usally dropped when i eventually get back out of GPL...
> >> but sometimes the sound comes back and I can carry on (though this is
> only
> >> during practice - if it happens during a race I haven't a hope in hell of
> >> stayin in the race.

> >> I usually connect at 64k when I'm gonna connect to a host, but th problem
> >> also occurs if I'm connected at 128k. Do you know what causes this
> >> disconnection from the ISP?

> >> set my MTU to 572 (ran EasyMTU to determine what the best was - but these
> >> problems still exist. As well as my currnet ISDN card (see my resoponse
> to
> >> Remco) I've also had an internal ISA isdn card and an external TA on the
> com
> >> port and these also gave the same problems. The external TA was much
> worse
> >> though.

> >> I can surf and play other games fro hours on end without ISP
> disconnects -
> >> any ideas why it happens in GPL.

> >> Also - Papy are rumoured to be bringing out a path for GPL, one of the
> >> "bigs" it fixes is online play ...anyone know any news about when....

> >> thanx

> >> -Lindsay

> >> >When the sound disappears while I am racing online, it's a sure sign
> >> >that the line to my ISP has dropped. Maybe this is error 10049 - I've
> >> >never looking at the error code, but everytime the sound goes, when I
> >> >quit GPL I find the disconnected message.
> >> >Cheers,
> >> >Paul

> >> >> ....whilst racing GPL online.

> >> >> Usually preceded by the sound disappearing  >:-(

> >> >> cheers

> >> >> -Lindsay

Lindsay Adam

anyone know what a error 10049 is.....

by Lindsay Adam » Fri, 12 Feb 1999 04:00:00


used Bt's Clickfree service to test  - all fine and well.  A mail on its way
to freeserve.

thanx for your time


>Yes, I found BT lines much better - well they own the network (not that I
>for a moment, suggest that there's any funny business going on). When
>at the same speed, I still get the data heaps faster from BT - for example
>downloading Nascar Revolution at 30Mb (don't do it - it's crap), I
>the first 300Kb through Demon and Netscape predicted that it would take 6
>to download. I quit, reconnected to BT and got it in 1 hour 45 minutes.
This is
>an extreme example. I still use demon for news and mail because everyone
>my Demon mail account and the fixed IP address.
>I lost my Freeserve account because I forgot my password and they won't
tell me
>it - but that seemed a little better than demon for www browsing but worse
>n.g.'s and mail and about the same for VROC connections.
>The advantage of BT Internet is that if you live in the right area (and now
I do
>- if I grin anymore I'll split my face) you can get ADSL - you need BT
>line as well. If you've got a cable phone line, bear in mind that many
>suppliers are launching cable modems now - see NTL web pages - and check if
>cable owner is NTL - they have 50% holding in my area even though they
don't say
>that on their page. It appears that the UK's connectability is being

>window of opportunity. I'll try to dig up the results of the survey that
>Demon so low.

>> geez - is my spelling ***or what!! :-) sorry about all the typos.

>> I've had some communication with my ISP (Freeserve) but they don't knwo
>> it is really. They've been experimenting with STAC compression on their
>> routers(which is off at the moment) Have you found BT to be ok?

>> I have a free 3month trial with them - do they charge a flat monthly rate
>> is it "more for more" charging?

>> (I am in the UK BTW)

>> cheers

>> -Lindsay

>> >You should moan at your ISP. I use sometimes use Demon in the UK but due
>> the
>> >large amounts of ISP induced disconnects (something confirmed in a
>> >survey) I have been switching to BT Internet. This is akk of no
>> to you
>> >if you live outside the UK.
>> >You could try using a USB ISDN modem like DrayTek Vigor which should
>> you
>> >better GPL connections (see Alison Hine's site) but if your ISP drops
>> line
>> >then it's really out of your hands. Give them stick! Disconnects induced
>> >other factors than an ISP disconnect are not usually accompanied by a
>> of
>> >sound.
>> >Cheers,
>> >Paul

>> >> Paul,

>> >> yes the line is usally dropped when i eventually get back out of
>> >> but sometimes the sound comes back and I can carry on (though this is
>> only
>> >> during practice - if it happens during a race I haven't a hope in hell
>> >> stayin in the race.

>> >> I usually connect at 64k when I'm gonna connect to a host, but th
>> >> also occurs if I'm connected at 128k. Do you know what causes this
>> >> disconnection from the ISP?

>> >> set my MTU to 572 (ran EasyMTU to determine what the best was - but
>> >> problems still exist. As well as my currnet ISDN card (see my
>> to
>> >> Remco) I've also had an internal ISA isdn card and an external TA on
>> com
>> >> port and these also gave the same problems. The external TA was much
>> worse
>> >> though.

>> >> I can surf and play other games fro hours on end without ISP
>> disconnects -
>> >> any ideas why it happens in GPL.

>> >> Also - Papy are rumoured to be bringing out a path for GPL, one of the
>> >> "bigs" it fixes is online play ...anyone know any news about when....

>> >> thanx

>> >> -Lindsay

>> >> >When the sound disappears while I am racing online, it's a sure sign
>> >> >that the line to my ISP has dropped. Maybe this is error 10049 - I've
>> >> >never looking at the error code, but everytime the sound goes, when I
>> >> >quit GPL I find the disconnected message.
>> >> >Cheers,
>> >> >Paul

>> >> >> ....whilst racing GPL online.

>> >> >> Usually preceded by the sound disappearing  >:-(

>> >> >> cheers

>> >> >> -Lindsay

Lindsay Adam

anyone know what a error 10049 is.....

by Lindsay Adam » Fri, 12 Feb 1999 04:00:00

thanx Bart - I didn't realise it was a sock error otherwise I would have
loked it up myself


>See the attached text file.
>I think 10049 is one of a number of errors that you can get from winsock
>when the underlying connections have died. Depending on what your system
>trying to do you get different errors.

>Bart Westra

>>....whilst racing GPL online.

>>Usually preceded by the sound disappearing  >:-(


>>-Lindsay is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.