Well, I finally got tired of unplugging my Nascar Pro and remove all
eleven-*** screws to get to the steering pot so I could clean it with Radio
Shack Tuner Cleaner. So...what I did was this:
Take the bottom off and turn it upside down. You will notice a circle
imprinted in the plastic about the size of a dime. Take a 1/4 inch drill
bit and drill a hole clear through that circle imprint. Now put a piece of
scotch tape, or electrical tape over the hole you just drilled. Now put the
two halves of your wheel back together. Take a flashlight and look down
into the hole you just drilled. It's right over the steering pot! You will
never have to take all the screws out to clean the steering pot again!
All you will need to do is just turn the wheel upside down and remove the
tape...aim the little red tube that's connected to the spray can of your
Radio Shack Tuner Cleaner down into the hole and give the pot a couple of
good shots of cleaner. Turn the wheel while you are doing this, so the
cleaner can cover the complete wiper in the pot. Put the tape back on.
That's it!
I left a piece of paper towel inside the wheel assembly...under the pot.. so
it can absorb any excess spray.
Good luck...
Jim Tester
(Remove the NOSPAM to email me)