steering jitters thing, so I took some of the advice that I saw posted on
this NG and went to Radio Shack and invested a small fortune in some Tuner
Cleaner. Glad I works great.
I was about to replace the loose bungee when I noticed something. And that
was that on each end of the bungee, it wraps around a little round ***
component. And then it's tied off with those little plastic straps. I
noticed that the little *** components that the bungee are wrapped around
is sitting snugly down in their own little plastic *channel" on each side of
the wheel.
I took a pair of pliers and grabbed onto the little *** thingy (looks
like a small hockey puck), and I pulled it out of it's channel, and turned
it a quarter-turn. That kept it from going back down into the channel. It
kind of sits *across* the channel now.
Now that it sits across the channel instead of snugly down into it, the
bungee got tightened up. I only had to do one side to get mine tight
enough, but I can see that if a person was to do that procedure on each
side, it would be a lot tighter.
It was easier than replacing the bungee.
Jim "Pops" Tester
Pops' Paddock:
Thunderhawks Racing Team -
Flashpoint Offline & Online Racing Leagues -
NASS Offline & Online Thunder Racing Leagues -
#60 Alaska Gold Virtual Airlines Pontiac Grand Prix