>> Has anyone had trouble with the Nascar Pro accelerator springs breaking?
>> I've had mine for less than a month and both springs in the accelerator
>> broke. I'm fairly easy on the pedals, so I'm surprised they broke. I
>> opened up the base and the springs don't look very sturdy for the amount
>> tension that they must support.
>> --
>> Kevin
>> (Remove the "x-" prefix from my address in order to reply via email)
>Same problem here. Sent an email to trustmaster but havn't heard back
>from them yet. (sent it about a week ago. will have to call :))
>Grampps on ten
>#18 Alpha Omega Motorsports Chevolet truck
>#18 Alpha Omega Motorsports Pontiac GrandPrix
>Rom 10:13 "Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved"
Give 'em a call...(503) 615-3200. Their voice lines work 1000% better than
e-mail. They are very nice, fast and understanding that there are probs
w/NPW spring design. (Me Too ;-))) A couple *** bands around the back of
the pedal/front corner of the base will get you by until the mail gets your
new springs here ;-)).
Happy Lappin'
Wade Tschida