I may be offbase here with this question, but (if so) it's because I'm not up
on all the latest videocards. While the list provided is extremely useful,
can someone provide or suggest specific videocard names to match up with
these chipsets? (ie - Annihilator; Prophet; etc.) Or are the cards CLEARLY
marked GeForce 2 Ultra, or Pro or whatever on the box? And are there any
manufacturer's cards to avoid?
One last question: Although performance in racing sims is the top priority,
are any better than others with 2D performance -- particularly with regard to
image clarity. I do some photo-editing so image clarity (2D) is important to
me, as well.
> In decreasing order of performance:
> * GeForce3
> * GeForce2 Ultra
> * GeForce2 Pro
> * GeForce2
> * DDR GeForce
> * GeForce2 MX
> * SDR GeForce
> The disadvantage to the original GeForce is that it consumes more
> power. Some motherboards and/or power supplies don't like that. You
> may find a 16 MB GeForce2 MX, probably labeled "OEM"; poor choice.
> The 64 MB cards are quite expensive. 32 MB is the sweet spot.
> You'll probably be happiest with a GeForce2 ($180 - $200) or a
> GeForce2 MX ($100 - $130). One more note on the GeForce2 MX.
> Creative sells a "DDR" version. That's 64-bit DDR, compared to
> 128-bit SDR: no improvement.
> You may find the Voodoo4 or Voodoo5 at fire-sale prices. However,
> don't expect support from 3dfx or NVIDIA. I've heard that RMAs are
> not being accepted. Also, the Voodoo5 does not have a universal AGP
> slot, so it doesn't fit in some P-IV motherboards.
> I don't know much about the Radeon. The biggest question mark when it
> comes to ATI is drivers. Perhaps some Radeon N4 user can fill in the
> blanks.
> While N4 does sport an improved graphics engine, the CPU is probably
> more important than the video card. If I were to choose between
> GeForce3/P-III 650 and GeForce2 MX/P-III 1000, I'd probably choose the
> latter.
> >I'm looking to upgrade my graphics card to improve my N4 frame rate (I'm
> >currently getting 20fps with my Diamond Stealth III - 32mg card). I see
> >lots of people post about GeForce, but can anybody give me some advice
> >on which card to get - one that's been around for a bit so the price
> >isn't so high?
> >Here's my current system:
> >PIII - 650
> >64mg RAM
> >Diamond Stealth III - 32mg
> --