> > You are so full of shit!! How do you know this guy isnt getting good
> >framerates on NFS2 ?
> Because he's seen it running on faster computers, and the game is
> still unbearably slow.
> >I have it running on a K6-166 w/32 meg,stealth
> >3d2000 and it runs great!
> It does not.
> Joe
I have asked numerous times for you to post (or tell where to get)
something that will report the frame rate. I say mine is fine and so do
some other people. Then you come along playing God and say that it is
slow. The only way for this thread to die is to either put up or
shutup. I do not want, nor do I care about, your field experience or
what you have written. If you cannot backup your claims with software,
then there is no point in us thinking that you are right. You do not
know everything about people systems. I think NFS2 runs great on my
system and yet since you cannot get it to run good on your P200, you
assume that it will not run good on any system. I hate to inform you
that people can have different hardware that can improve performance.
You can come back with your 'x years field experience', but that doesn't
mean you know what you are talking about. I am not saying that I know
what I am talking about. I have talked to people with about the same
years field experience as you and some with more and they still do not
know that they are talking about.
I am not saying that your field experience doesn't mean something, but
it is time for proof. I don't care what some magazine says, or your
frame rates that you pull out of your head.
It's time for this thread to die. This is the only way that I can see
for it to die and not pop back up again later.