> Too bad CBS still doesn't have their act together.
gotten to see the 500 live (I live in the UK).
Whilst it was a great race it was, IMHO, totally ruined by the constant
breaks for adverts (or "commercials" if you prefer <g>). Toward the end
it was plain ludicrous with more breaks than racing.
Why don't all you US fans start writing to the companies that advertise
during these breaks and tell them that you don't appreciate this sort of
coverage and that you won't buy their products if they continue to buy
advertising time whilst CBS or whoever show too many adverts. Enough
people write to them and they will take note and so will CBS as they
won't be able to sell the advertising time!
Adverts during yellows are fine and the occasional one if there is a very
long green period maybe, but 5 minutes of adverts every 10 minutes is a
farce :((
If ITV have more than two advert breaks during a F1 race this season I
will be writing to the advertisers and complaining.