True enough.
The way it looked on my TV, Gordon was passing Dale, not the other way
around. Since when are you are supposed to slow down and let someone pass
Yep, he was really aggressive, running in line like that. Where he
shouldn't have been? Gotta agree with you there. I don't know the deal (
thanks for nothing CBS ) with his pit crew, but they had big trouble
yesterday. Come in 1st, go out 9th. Come in 3rd, go out 15th. Yep, he
was right where he shouldn't have been. He should have been in the lead,
and out of the pack, not coming up through it.
having the line so he stood his ground.
If he had slowed, not that he should have, Jarret would have ass-ended him.
Hey, wait, that is what eventually happened, isn't it?
How can you call hitting someone who suddenly slows in front of you "
Freaking out "? Ever race those AI cars? He didn't freak, he just had
nowhere to go.
What about when Grissom just ran Schrader into the infield instead of
letting him pass? Dale Earnhardt did nothing like that. All he did was
hold his line as best he could and keep his foot down. If Jeffy had been
able to keep his car on the bottom of the track there would not have been
an contact with Dale. Instead his car was up a full car width higher than
it should have been, so when Dale bounced off the wall, little Jeffy got
At least part of Dale's car is part of history. See that mark on Jeff's
passenger door?