to buy GP3. Don't get me wrong I would love this game to be great, to be a
real experience that I could aspire to taking seconds off my time, even to
rival GPL. however I don't think it will! in fact I think it could possibly
be a big disappointment. When something gets this hyped up I think I is
inevitable that it wont live up to expectation. I think gp3 could be similar
to C & C Tiberan Sun. it will be better than GP2 I have no doubt but I think
a lot of people may ask, "well he spent along time tweaking a game, and
didn't really add any new big features e.g. internet play, car shapes". I
think it will be a good/average game but it will fail as it is so hyped. I
don't know what the hype was about Gpl before its release as I am a bit of a
newbie, however I doubt it was as much as GP3 has got. Some one may be able
to correct me on that. The thing about gpl is it is SO good in parts people
don't notice the not so good parts. I will defiantly blindly giving Geoff my
30, and am hoping against hope it will be good. I am defiantly not slating
it off now! However I fear our expectations may be let down...
oh well just wait for GP4 and if that's bad WSC is bound to be a good game!
Kieran for GP3 and WSC