Open GL does not support texture compression in N2002 like d3d does. Papy
has stated it "may" be fixed in a patch where it will, but as it stands
right now d3d is the way to run it . What is happening is in Open GL it is
dropping mips quicker, resulting in the more blurry look. If you had a 128
mb vid card it would help some. Hopefully for those that prefer Open Gl
Papy will address this in a patch, for me though d3d looks better and i
still get decent framerates with it.
Even with a good GeForce3 card with 128 mb ram, your still going to suffer
from that PIII 500, N2002 requires a lot of horsepower. Even with today's
hottest processors running N2002 with all options on full will still be
difficult framerate wise.
Don Burnette
> Is it just my machine, or does OpenGL in Nascar 2002 Season look like
> When using OpenGL, I get way higher frame rates, but everything in the
> infield is all blurry, I can see seams and some irregulareties in the
> the track surface looks really bad, plus a few other things..
> In N4 OpenGL was awesome for me, but now i'm sorta forced to use Direct3D
> i can get some half desent graphics
> that's my problem right there..