Movie: "Grand Prix" to be on Speedvision.. what a perfect(-ly wasted) opportunity for Papyrus!


Movie: "Grand Prix" to be on Speedvision.. what a perfect(-ly wasted) opportunity for Papyrus!

by doktor » Mon, 07 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Speedvision will be showing the LETTER-BOXED version of that fabulous,
must-see movie "Grand Prix" on September 13th. It will feature MINIMAL
commercial breaks, and exclusive interviews with the producers of the movie.

For anyone that hasn't seen it, "Grand Prix" has an okay-ish plotline, but
has absolutely AMAZING RACING FOOTAGE from 1966. Some of the footage is
real, other parts (such as much/all of the Monaco section near the beginning
was done using mock-ups of Formula 2's. This is a movie any racing fan does
NOT want to miss..

Now, what's my point of babbling on about this??
Well, as we all know, Grand Prix Legends will be hitting the stores sometime
in the NEXT MONTH (September 30th is being named by Electronics boutique,
two weeks earlier than what they had previously said last week).

What a perfect opportunity to hit the target market.. I would be willing to
bet that anybody who watches it on the 13th and who has a computer would go
out and buy GPL IN A SECOND if they heard about it whilst watching "Grand
Prix". Some might even go so far as to BUY a computer, others might simply
upgrade.. Bottom line.. once the general population gets a little racing
fever in their *** from watching the movie.. they would be greatly
influenced to go buy the game.

I can just see it now... they go to a commercial break.. and we see Jack
Clark in his Lotus flying over a hump at the Nordschiefe.. There's some
frantic music in the background (anyone heard the GPL trailer music -
available at ??) .. Then a voice: "SpeedVision's special
presentation of "Grand Prix" is brought to you by: "Grand Prix Legends.. the
latest racing simulation from SierraSports and Papyrus. .. blah..blah..blah
(fill in any additional info here).. Available September 30th everywhere.."

I think it'd make me go out and buy an EXTRA copy!! If they showed some game
footage including some CRASHES (of course).. they could be selling the game
like hotcakes. They wouldn't even need to put together a 30-second ad.. just
having a 10-15 second tag would be enough!

I might be wrong here.. but I honestly don't believe Sierra will use this
fantastic opportunity to their advantage. Let's hope they prove me wrong..
as what a wasted opportunity it would be..

for your "Grand Prix Legends" fix!! (I've got the FAQ!!)


Movie: "Grand Prix" to be on Speedvision.. what a perfect(-ly wasted) opportunity for Papyrus!

by DPHI » Mon, 07 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Jimmy had a brother? <g>


"To race is to live, everything else is just waiting." - Rudi Caricciola

Bruce Kennewel

Movie: "Grand Prix" to be on Speedvision.. what a perfect(-ly wasted) opportunity for Papyrus!

by Bruce Kennewel » Mon, 07 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Yeah....Jack Clark was his older brother, a bit of a black sheep, sad to
Jack left the family farm in his early twenties in a quest for fame and
fortune in Hollywood, appearing in such blockbusters as "The Creature
from Under My Bed", where he played the part of the chair in the corner.

After realising that he'd never make it as an actor (let alone a chair)
he drifted back across the Atlantic, ending up as a sauerkraut strainer
in a German beer cellar, not too far from the Nurburgring,
coincidentally! jack used to live in a crude (the woodsman, not the
cottage) woodsmans cottage nearby and used to travel along part of the
circuit to and from home.

Thus the reason that we'd see him flying over a hump but on his bicycle,
not a Lotus!

> >I can just see it now... they go to a commercial break.. and we see Jack<BR>
> >Clark in his Lotus flying over a hump at the Nordschiefe..

> Jimmy had a brother? <g>

> -don

> "To race is to live, everything else is just waiting." - Rudi Caricciola

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-
Marc J. Nelso

Movie: "Grand Prix" to be on Speedvision.. what a perfect(-ly wasted) opportunity for Papyrus!

by Marc J. Nelso » Mon, 07 Sep 1998 04:00:00

LOL!  Where might I purchase a copy of his biography?  Great reading! =)



> Yeah....Jack Clark was his older brother, a bit of a black sheep, sad to
> say.
> Jack left the family farm in his early twenties in a quest for fame and
> fortune in Hollywood, appearing in such blockbusters as "The Creature
> from Under My Bed", where he played the part of the chair in the corner.

> After realising that he'd never make it as an actor (let alone a chair)
> he drifted back across the Atlantic, ending up as a sauerkraut strainer
> in a German beer cellar, not too far from the Nurburgring,
> coincidentally! jack used to live in a crude (the woodsman, not the
> cottage) woodsmans cottage nearby and used to travel along part of the
> circuit to and from home.

> Thus the reason that we'd see him flying over a hump but on his bicycle,
> not a Lotus!

Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project -

* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *


Movie: "Grand Prix" to be on Speedvision.. what a perfect(-ly wasted) opportunity for Papyrus!

by doktor » Mon, 07 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Shit!! So I made a small typo!!
Could have been worse: Lorenzo Clark or Jack Bandini !!

More importantly, though.. does anyone know who the sponsors are for the
"Grand Prix" presentation?


>Yeah....Jack Clark was his older brother, a bit of a black sheep, sad to
>Jack left the family farm in his early twenties in a quest for fame and
>fortune in Hollywood, appearing in such blockbusters as "The Creature
>from Under My Bed", where he played the part of the chair in the corner.

... and so on !!

Movie: "Grand Prix" to be on Speedvision.. what a perfect(-ly wasted) opportunity for Papyrus!

by doktor » Mon, 07 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Bruce.. you're a nut!!

Grand Prix Legends - September 30th!!!

>Actually, "Lorenzo Clark" has a certain 'ring" to it, doesn't it?!!

>> Shit!! So I made a small typo!!
>> Could have been worse: Lorenzo Clark or Jack Bandini !!

>> More importantly, though.. does anyone know who the sponsors are for the
>> "Grand Prix" presentation?

Tim Deatherag

Movie: "Grand Prix" to be on Speedvision.. what a perfect(-ly wasted) opportunity for Papyrus!

by Tim Deatherag » Mon, 07 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Is it really really confirmed that GPL will be out and in the stores by
September 30, 1998?

There seems to be many inconsistencies in the various tales of the Net !

Marc J. Nelso

Movie: "Grand Prix" to be on Speedvision.. what a perfect(-ly wasted) opportunity for Papyrus!

by Marc J. Nelso » Mon, 07 Sep 1998 04:00:00

No, I'm the nut.  Bruce...he's the cashew.  Why everyone gets us two
confused is beyond me!  =)

> Bruce.. you're a nut!!

Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project -

* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *

Bruce Kennewel

Movie: "Grand Prix" to be on Speedvision.. what a perfect(-ly wasted) opportunity for Papyrus!

by Bruce Kennewel » Tue, 08 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Out soon in hardcover....September 15th., actually!

> LOL!  Where might I purchase a copy of his biography?  Great reading! =)

> Cheers!

> Marc

> > Yeah....Jack Clark was his older brother, a bit of a black sheep, sad to
> > say.
> > Jack left the family farm in his early twenties in a quest for fame and
> > fortune in Hollywood, appearing in such blockbusters as "The Creature
> > from Under My Bed", where he played the part of the chair in the corner.

> > After realising that he'd never make it as an actor (let alone a chair)
> > he drifted back across the Atlantic, ending up as a sauerkraut strainer
> > in a German beer cellar, not too far from the Nurburgring,
> > coincidentally! jack used to live in a crude (the woodsman, not the
> > cottage) woodsmans cottage nearby and used to travel along part of the
> > circuit to and from home.

> > Thus the reason that we'd see him flying over a hump but on his bicycle,
> > not a Lotus!

> --
> Marc J. Nelson
> The Sim Project -

> * No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-
Bruce Kennewel

Movie: "Grand Prix" to be on Speedvision.. what a perfect(-ly wasted) opportunity for Papyrus!

by Bruce Kennewel » Tue, 08 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Actually, "Lorenzo Clark" has a certain 'ring" to it, doesn't it?!!

> Shit!! So I made a small typo!!
> Could have been worse: Lorenzo Clark or Jack Bandini !!

> More importantly, though.. does anyone know who the sponsors are for the
> "Grand Prix" presentation?

> doktorB

> >Yeah....Jack Clark was his older brother, a bit of a black sheep, sad to
> >say.
> >Jack left the family farm in his early twenties in a quest for fame and
> >fortune in Hollywood, appearing in such blockbusters as "The Creature
> >from Under My Bed", where he played the part of the chair in the corner.
> ... and so on !!

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-

Movie: "Grand Prix" to be on Speedvision.. what a perfect(-ly wasted) opportunity for Papyrus!

by doktor » Tue, 08 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I did a little research.. (I don't like starting rumours)..
Well that' s what the word from Sierra is in Europe - I don't know why
Sierra N. America hasn't made any announcement but both the UK and Germany
offices of Sierra are saying "End of September", and if you check any (good)
computer game retailer (in the US, anyhow), they have updated their sites to
show September 30th (from October 15th).

Of course.. GPL was to ship "early Spring"... but at least they have given
us another (definite) target!!

doktorB ..... still laughing at Jack Bandini!!
for the latest GPL release date info, track files, FAQ (I've got it!),
pictures, news, and more!!

>Is it really really confirmed that GPL will be out and in the stores by
>September 30, 1998?

>There seems to be many inconsistencies in the various tales of the Net !

Bruce Kennewel

Movie: "Grand Prix" to be on Speedvision.. what a perfect(-ly wasted) opportunity for Papyrus!

by Bruce Kennewel » Tue, 08 Sep 1998 04:00:00

True....but I have a fun life!!

> Bruce.. you're a nut!!

Bruce Kennewel

Movie: "Grand Prix" to be on Speedvision.. what a perfect(-ly wasted) opportunity for Papyrus!

by Bruce Kennewel » Tue, 08 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I like cashews.....very tasty, but the Macadamia has to be my favourite.

> No, I'm the nut.  Bruce...he's the cashew.  Why everyone gets us two
> confused is beyond me!  =)

Bruce Kennewel

Movie: "Grand Prix" to be on Speedvision.. what a perfect(-ly wasted) opportunity for Papyrus!

by Bruce Kennewel » Tue, 08 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I'll still put my two-bob on Sep. 15th. or there-abouts for a USA

(Neither do I like rumours but my info comes from within and is as
accurate as is possible at the time it's provided.)

> I did a little research.. (I don't like starting rumours)..

Marc J. Nelso

Movie: "Grand Prix" to be on Speedvision.. what a perfect(-ly wasted) opportunity for Papyrus!

by Marc J. Nelso » Tue, 08 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> I'll still put my two-bob on Sep. 15th. or there-abouts for a USA
> release.

7~8 days (even fewer working days) to go gold, go to the distributors,
go into boxes, go onto shelves?...I'll see your two-bob and raise you
a franc.

Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project -

* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail * is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.