be on sale by the end of September (the 30th was mentioned).
We North Americans (I'm in Toronto, Canada) were promised GPL a couple of
weeks before Europe (and the rest of the world <-- that was for you,
Therefore, the 15th would be right...
However.. the computer stores have updated their pages to show Either
September 30th, or October 2nd (depending on which retailer you talk to).
So my "two-bob" is on a WORLDWIDE release for September 30th (that's a
Wednesday, btw).
Time to book off work!!
doktorB .... (I put my life on hold for GPL!!)
For the GPL track files, FAQ (I've got it!), installation help, release date
updates, and more!
>> I'll still put my two-bob on Sep. 15th. or there-abouts for a USA
>> release.
>7~8 days (even fewer working days) to go gold, go to the distributors,
>go into boxes, go onto shelves?...I'll see your two-bob and raise you
>a franc.