Musical Score: ** 1/2 The music is nothing to write home from the front
about. It
does set a pretty good mood and is typical of the
time, but the nice thing about it is it wasn't intrusive.
If you read the original GPL review, there was a music critiqe, saying
it added no mood to the game, and he quickly turned it off... he later
admitted this was an editing error and this was from his reviw of Red
Baron 3D... the above critique certainly does not look like the turned
the music off... make of that what you will...
Also, from the top of the GPL review currently:
Editor's Note: Due to the fact that we were missing a vital game manual
when we reviewed Grand Prix Legends, and didn't
realize it at the time, The Adrenaline Vault will be re-evaluating the
game in the next few days based on
this new information.
So I guess this story isnt over... we'll see how it turns out...
Brian Short